Chapter 49: Raided

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Gem had been pleased to get this job. Sawaln, though still bitter over the loss Black Griffin had delivered against them, had made them an offer. If they would kill their former employer, Zan Zao Zwilt, then they would not only be paid twice what they had received from him in payment, but they would recognize the lands surrounding the Coldwoods, not just the tiny plot of land the Devil had received from Vrai, as territories of Griffin's Roost.

At the thought of getting her hands on Zan, Gem was obviously eager. She had not forgotten the indifferent gaze with which he regarded Guiltare, or his attempt to cheat them out of payment. The thought of slicing his throat open, seeing the blood of that coward spill and stain the northern snow...She was glad her hand had recovered so that she could do the honors.

Guiltare, however, was less thrilled. She had been fortunate, for there had not been many jobs that required large scale battles for a while. The last had been the siege of Tirren, and even then, Vas had given explicit orders to kill as few of the enemies as possible. It was an order they did not get often, but one she had been glad for.

They had taken a path through the Coldwoods, and near the back of the column, Vaussten sighed, touching branches with his metallic arm as they passed and watching snow and ice fall softly to the ground."Hmm...You know, walks like this take me back."

Morz scoffed slightly."If its another farfetched tale of debauchery or over-the-top heroism, you may keep it to yourself."

Vaussten sighed."'ve been grouchy ever since you and the others went on that trip to save Reba."

Morz didn't reply to that, so Vaussten just continued his story."Anyways...Times were simpler back then. I remember it was around here that I used to play as a kid. Me'n Guilta'd get a group together and get into snow wars with children from villages nearby. Heck, that's how we met Säel!"

Morz looked over, curious now."Säel? Odd...I hardly ever hear you speak of her these days."

The Ruin sighed." know how it is. You get so old that you long for your youth, but you can't have it, so you pretend it wasn't ever there." He smiled."But, back in the day...She'd always cheat, use magic to get walls up faster. So, of course, I cheated back and melted her sides snow."

Morz managed a chuckle at that."Knowing her, I imagine that ended poorly."

Vaussten chuckled and nodded, waving his metal arm."Broke this back when it was still flesh and bone, but we laughed it off later." His chuckle slowly trailed off."...But, when her dad killed Pops...well, stopped all the laughter for a long time."

Morz nodded."I've heard the story...Was it truly that bad?"

Vaussten sighed, drinking a bit from his canteen."....If ol' Guilta was The Devil...Well, that war was both of our hells."

They saw the camp ahead, with a a few fires burning as the Zwilt soldiers celebrated a victory. Gem walked forward, keeping a hand on the hilt of her blade."Want me to scout ahead?"  Inquired her hands.

Guiltare shook her head."No, I won't have you captured." She replied, thinking to herself."...They're focused on the festivities, not prepared for an attack. We'll surround them and charge. Gem, your job will be to take out Zan quickly and efficiently. Don't dawdle."

Gem smiled."Since when do I dawdle?"

Reba, standing beside her, shrugged."There was the battle with Sawaln a while back. You were supposed to rush through and take out the general, but you got hung up by those paladins."

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