First Day of School!

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Marks POV

I glance back at the boy, Jack, walking away while trailing a hand on the wall casually. I wonder why he didn't shake my hand. He was looking right at me and he seems polite enough but he completely ignored my hand.

I ponder as I continue on my way. Jack seemed kinda out of it, like he was looking at everything... But not. I'm sure he was just embarrassed from running into me though. I wonder what he was doing at the school a week before it started?

Well, I guess I'll have to wait till school starts to find out.

~time skip~
Jacks POV

I'm woken by loud beeping. I groan and roll over, reaching out and slapping my hand randomly on my nightstand till I hit a button that shuts up that godforsaken beeping. I curl back up under the covers with a happy sigh, burying my face into my pillow.

Not even a few seconds later and my mom walks in, the creaky door announcing her entry. "Sean, I know you're awake, get up now."

I just groan and shove my face further into the pillow and pulling the covers over my head. My ma was having none of it. She rips the covers off, leaving me cold.

I squeak at the sudden air touching my body. "Fine fine! I'm up, I swear!" I sit up quickly to show her I'm getting up. I'm sure lots of people would be embarrassed if their mothers saw them in only their underwear but honestly, she's seen more of my than I have so its not weird or anything.

I go through my morning routine quickly, scarfing down my breakfast and slinging my backpack onto one shoulder. I wanted to get to school early so any mistakes I made were witnessed by as few people as possibly.

"Bye ma!" I shout as I leave. There wasn't much traffic this early in the morning so I didn't have to worry too much about running into people as I jog. Hey, blind people have to get their exercise too!

My directions tell me I've arrived and I smile, panting slightly. A little jog always felt good. I walk through the main doors and clutch tightly to my paper schedule. I already have it memorized and it's not like I can read it anyways. It's just a prop. Throughout the whole week I was coming in, I memorized everything. I was all prepared for the first day of school!

My mind wandered to Mark, wondering if I'd see him today. I secretly hoped I would. I made it to my first period class and 'look' around. I turn the direction of my gaze to the sound of computer clicks.

"Hi Mrs. Childling! Do we have assigned seats?" I feel her eyes look me over, probably with confusion. "Are you the new transfer student?" She asks. Now I know she's confused, it was dripping from her voice.

"Yeah, I moved from Ireland. You're probably confused about my," I raise a hand to action air quotes, "'disability' but if you haven't been told already, I'm very good at taking care of myself. I'd also appreciate it if you treated me like any normal student and that you don't let anyone else now."

I can feel the atmosphere between us lighten a little. She's probably smiling. "Of course. I don't usually use seating charts so pick a place where ever and it's yours." I smile back at her. "Thank you Mrs. Childing!" I choose the desk in the back corner closest to the door. An easy get away for when class ends and it puts me around less people.

I put an earbud in one ear to listen to music while I wait for class to start. I hear the noises in the hall starting to get louder, meaning more students were arriving.

The bell rings and students start stampeding into the classroom, filling up the desks. I feel a slight ruffle of warm air passing by me, making me shiver and my heart stutter. What was that?

Falling Blindly [SLOW UPDATES]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon