Coffee Break

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Jacks POV

We finally get to the coffee shop. I reach my hand out to grab the door handle and my hand falls through empty air. I hear Mark chuckle on the opposite side of me. "Way ahead of you dear."

I blush at both the pet name and missing the door with probably a dozen or so people watching. That little fucker. I stick my tongue out at him and walk through the open door, the magnificent smell of coffee filling my nose.

I let out a deep breath with a smile. I moved away from the door so I wasn't in people's way. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jump. Of course it was Mark. "I swear your gonna give me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry. How about you go find a seat and I'll buy the coffee. What do you want?" I turn my head around as if I were looking around the place. "Just Black but I-" he interrupts me. "Okay, black it is, now go find a seat." And with a small whoosh of air he was gone.

I sigh and go look for a booth table. Most of them are full but I finally found one that seems to be in the corner. I slip into the booth and wait for Mark to come find me. Well, that was until an unfamiliar voice spoke up.

"Did you want something?" I jump  and look towards the voice. Right across from me. Shite. "Oh I'm sorry! I thought this booth was empty!" He's just like Mark. I can't hear a single sound from him. "But you were looking right at me?"

He had a Swedish accent and it sounded pretty nice. "Oh, I mean, I thought you were my friend who found an empty booth." I chuckle nervously. These excuses were so lame but how do you recover from sitting at another persons table and NOT seeing them?

"Oh, you mean that friend who's about 5 feet away from our table and looks nothing like me?" Mark was here!? I turn my head. "Mark?" As I say that I feel his hand grab me and gently pull me out of the booth. He doesn't set me down, though, he carries me in his arms bridal style.

"Maybe you do need to be carried, Princess..." He whispers in my ear, making my face go incredibly hot and probably red. I could feel it all the way to the tips of my ears! "Maaark, put me down! I can walk on me own!"

"Then why're you sitting at other people's tables?" I blush even more if that's possible. Then the stranger speaks up. "I'm done anyways, you two can have the booth. I've seen you guys around school before, so maybe I'll see you around?" I don't hear him get up or start leaving. My only indication that he was leaving is that Mark turned to watch the guy leave. What even was the guy's name? I never asked. I'm so rude sometimes!

Mark sets me back down in the booth and slides in across from me, accidentally hitting my feet. "Is there a particular reason you say at his table?" I blush again. "H-he's like you. I couldn't hear him at all so I thought the booth was empty." He's silent for a moment. "Oh. I'm sorry."

I laugh out loud. "Yeah, great idea Mark, sending the blind guy to find a table!" I think I made him panic because he starts to stutter. I just laugh again. "It's okay Mark! It's just another weird coincidence, like with you!" I hear something slide across the table towards me. "Yeah, but anyways here's coffee. The thing we came here for!" We both laugh and I pick my coffee up. I take a sip and deeply sigh, relaxing into the cushioned bench.

Marks POV

I watch Jack relax and drink his coffee. I take a few sips of my own and lick my lips. Jacks face was still a bit pink which was absolutely adorable. For once, his beautiful ocean blue eyes aren't trying to see through impenetrable blackness but relaxing also. Spacing off.

I really, really like Jack. I know that sounds crazy having only met him a week ago but I do. I stare at him, unashamedly. Mostly because he can't see I'm staring. I think he might be able to tell though, because his head turns to look at me and he smiles. "What, are you tryna burn a hole through me?"

I blush and start stuttering. "I-uh no but- what I mean is- you just..." I trail off lamely, unable to form the thought. Jack just giggles at me. We fall back into a comfortable silence, me only glancing at him now. He was so beautiful. He's also filled with determination and care.

I start to worry a little bit though. I wanted Jack to be mine but I'm not even sure if he likes me. I'm not even sure if he is gay! But, if he is, I'm sure I'm not in his interests. I'm honestly not that great and he could find so much better. Like that other guy that was here, the Swedish one.

I don't want to give him up though. That Swedish guy can go fuck himself if he wants Jack. I'm not gonna give him up. I met Jack first and I sure as hell will ask him out first. That is, if I can get the courage...

Falling Blindly [SLOW UPDATES]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें