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Jacks POV

After having coffee, Mark had walked me home. We have school the next day, after all. I fell asleep dreaming about what Mark looks like.

I woke up to my annoying alarm. I really had to change that sometime, I was so sick of it. I press the snooze and bury my face back into my pillow. Then cold and a voice. "Sean, get up now or you'll be late!" Ma had pulled the covers off.

I sigh and roll out of bed. I clumsily pull clothes on and stumble down to the kitchen, yawning. I accidentally hit the wall before correcting and going to get my breakfast.

I quickly ate. I really want to see Mark again. It felt nice that someone knows my secret and isn't bullying me about it. It was nice to be able to trust someone.

I practically skip to school, a stupid smile on my face. I go to my locker and start putting my books in. I feel someone poke my shoulder, making my smile bigger. "Hi Mark!" I say as I put the last of my books in. I shut my locker and freeze when a voice that isn't Marks speaks up behind me.

"Nice to see you again too." It's the same guy from yesterday, the Swedish one. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I turn around to face him. "S-sorry! I thought you were my friend! He likes to sneak up on me." The man just laughs.

"We gotta stop meeting like this! Maybe if we introduce ourselves properly, it'll stop happening?" I wring my hands together, a sheepish smile on my face. "I'm sorry for being so rude! I'm Sean, though I prefer to be called Jack." I hold my hand out for him to shake, accidentally hitting his chest which makes me blush more. "Im also very clumsy sometimes..."

The Swede laughs and shakes my hand. "My names Felix! Do you want to hang out at lunch later?" I don't even think about it before I agree. I have a new friend! "Alright alright alright! Meet me under the big oak tree on the grounds! I gotta go now, see you then!"

Felix walks away and I grin. I have a new friend! Two in the time I've been here, that's great! Then I pause. I had forgotten about Mark. I guess we'll just have to hang out at lunch tomorrow then. I feel a little disheartened at the thought. But I get to hang out with Felix, right?

I panic. Where the hell is the oak tree? I don't know which tree is an oak tree! How will I find Felix?! Lost in my thoughts I run straight into someone. Mark. "Hey, Jack, are you okay?" I smile at him. "H-hi Mark! I'm fine, just lost in thought." Would he be mad? "Um... Do you know where the big oak tree is?" Silence. "Mark?"

"Yeah, I know where it is. Why?" I rub my hands together nervously. "Do ya think you could tell me where it is? I need to know." Silence for a moment. "It's about 20 meters from the back doors. Why?" I bite my lip. "Felix, the guy we met yesterday, invited me to hang out at lunch! He said to meet him there but I don't know where it is."

"Oh..." I feel bad now. "I'm sorry for ditching you Mark, but we can hang out tomorrow, okay? I'm finally making more friends! He's being so nice to me and I may get to know more people! I promise tomorrow!"

I hear a small sigh and the faintest ruffle of hair. "Yeah, it's all cool. Tomorrow then." I grin and hug him. "Thanks for understanding!" He chuckles and hugs me back, his warmth making me to never want to let go. But that's silly and weird, why would I want to do that? I quickly pull back and smile. "Thank you! Make sure to find me tomorrow, okay?"

There's silence for a moment. Then a stuttered. "Oh, Y-yeah. I will." He must've forgotten I couldn't see him and nodded. I laugh and wave goodbye to him. The bell rang and I go to my first period class.

I don't like my first period. Mr. Schwann is annoying and always tries to get me participate. I mess around all throughout class. Then second period anatomy. This one was taught by Mr. Whilley and he's really funny! I normally pay attention but I was so excited to hang out with Felix, I couldn't focus!

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