House Call

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Mark's POV

I watched the clock anxiously for the rest of the school day, ready to go see Jack. When the bell finally rang, I ran out of the classroom and put my stuff away. I quickly get out of the building and start jogging towards Jacks house.

I knock on the door, rocking on my heels anxiously. His mom answers the door. I never got to meet her, she was out when I had dropped Jack off. "Hi Mrs. Mcloughlin. Is Jack here?" I say a little awkwardly.

"Oh hello! You must be Mark! It's so nice to meet you!" She says happily. I was almost blinded by her smile. "Sean talks about you all the time! He's also been talking a lot about his two new friends also! Come in come in, I'm sure he'd love the company!" She opens the door wider so I can fit through.

I step inside, still feeling a little awkward but with an under glow of happy, surprised Jack had mentioned him to his mom. I ignores the part that he talked about those other two jerks too.

She goes over to the stairs and yells up. "JACK! YOU HAVE COMPANY!"

"WHO IS IT MA!?" He shouts back.


I can hear footsteps and a door shutting before running down the stairs. He sees Jack come barreling down the stairs, almost afraid he was going to run into the wall.

He doesn't run into the wall, he turns the corner and runs head first into me. "Oh!" He says in surprise. He looks up and smiles broadly. "Mark! It's great to see you!" He hugs me tightly, making me blush lightly. I knew he couldn't see it but I hope his mom didn't. I hug him back just as tight.

"I was worried about you, I saw you leave school crying." I say softly he grins. "Yeah, I'm fine! I just got a little homesick."

I stay silent for a moment. "I heard they asked you what it looked like..." Jacks head snaps up and he sighs. "Yeah... I mean, it's not their fault, they don't know I'm blind. I was just a little overwhelmed. They didn't mean any harm, I just needed some time to myself!" I felt like there was a bit more behind that but I didn't want to push. So I just give him another tight hug.

"Not so tight Mark, you're gonna squish me!" Jack says with a laugh. I quickly let go. "Sorry!"

Jacks mom was smiling giddily. "Jack, why don't you take Mark up to your room? I'll call you down when dinners ready!" Jack nods happily, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs. I do my best not to blush, flustered by the touch.

"You know your way around really well." I say as he pulls me along. I've never seen him more comfortable before. "Well duh! This is my house! I got this whole place memorized! There's even a secret room that not even my ma knows about!" He says with a smile and a finger to his lips. He then pulls me into a room. It looks plain, no decoration except a few clothes and random items scattered around. There was also a wax pot, exhuming the smell of cinnamon. This must be his room.

"It... Smells good." I say, trying to be nice. It did smell good, but there was nothing else to compliment besides that.

"My moms room has lavender. They're our favorite smells!" Jack says cheerfully, going over to his bed and falling onto it with a happy sigh.

"No wonder you always smell so good..." I say to myself, not really meaning to say it out loud.

"What did you say?" Jack asks with a laugh. I blush and shake my head. "Nothing." I knew he had heard but he drops it, patting the space next to him on the bed. "I'm sorry there not much here, my activities are kinda limited..." He trails off, trying to think of something.

I didn't want him to have to push himself for me. "I don't mind just laying and talking. Maybe you could even show me that secret room you were talking about?"

Jack smiles at my words, his eyes relaxed. "Maybe some other time. How else will I tempt you to come over?" He asks, teasing lightly.

'Wouldn't be very hard...' I think to myself. Honestly, I would follow him off of a cliff if he said there was an invisible bridge across it. But I laugh and nod. "Of course, I'm just using you for your secrets." I tease back, poking his belly, some of which was showing. He jumps and giggles, not expecting to be touched. "P-please don't M-Mark!" He says, holding his side and trying not to laugh.

"Oooooooh, Jack, are you ticklish?" I ask, my eyes lighting up with mischief. It's like he could feel my intentions and he starts scooting away.

"N-now Mark, you wouldn't a-attack a poor b-blind boy, would you?" I think about it then lunge at him. I pin him to the bed by sitting on his hips and used a hand to pin his wrists down. I start tickling his sides and he squirms, laughing and gasping for breath.

"M-Mark! Please! Please stop, I'll do anything!" He says between gasps of laughter. I stop for a moment.

"Anything...?" I ask in a sly voice. Jack nods frantically, panting to catch his breath. I lean down, moving my face closer to his. I wanted to kiss him... Our lips were just inches apart. But that could ruin everything... If Jack didn't like it... I was screwed. So I grin. "How about we go get some food?"

Jacks eyebrows furrow in confusion before he laughs and nods. "Alright! Sounds good to me!" I get off of him and help him stand up. He takes a moment to breathe before suddenly dashing off. "FIRST PERSON TO THE TABLE GETS A COOKIE!!" I was shocked for a moment before running after.

"Hey, no fair!" I shout after him. I make it into the kitchen and he's sitting in his chair all relaxed and pretending he's not out of breath. "What took ya so long?" I give him a fake glare and plop in the chair next to him, pouting. "You had a head start!" I say defensively.

Jack laughs and his mom comes in with food. "Here you go dears! Dig in!"

And so we did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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