Okay, pizza and why am I here again?

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Thanatos returned with an expression so jolly, it would put Santa Claus to shame. "I take it he said yes?" Hades was the first to ask, beating them all to the question. He nodded,"He'll be over in ten minutes. I take it the house looks flawless as always and you're all dressed nice? All of you... But me of course." Thanatos joked, pulling a laugh out of Bianca and Persephone.

"So Eros is coming??" Hazel bounced up and down and cheered, then suddenly quieted down and stood very still, staring off into space.

Nico noticed this, it was hard not to since the girl was constantly being a happy, go lucky person and she was unexpectedly silent. "Is she okay?" He said, staring at her worriedly.

"She blanks out a lot, the therapists and doctors don't know why or.." Hades trailed off and chose his next words carefully,"They haven't found out. She just does."

Nico felt as if the explanation went further than that, but decided not to press the subject since they weren't very close yet. Hades then talked to the pizza man, repeating their orders, breadsticks, marinara sauce, cheesy bread, cookie cake, and two liters of Pepsi. "We have a dining room, but we sit here, unless company is over, then we sit in the dining room." Hades explained to Nico and his sister. Hazel finally prepped up again and sprung to life,"We get cookie cake??"

"Yes, princess." Hades smiled and ruffled her hair. She giggled and swatted his hand away,"Daddy don't do that! You messed up my hair!"

Hades sighed,"You're starting to care about physical appearance, my little girl is growing up."

"Actually dad, I could care less about what my hair looked like, I just prefer making a fuss and lightening the mood with my silly tactics rather than say standing here, doing nothing and losing the fight to speak." Hazel smiled sweetly and everyone's jaw dropped, a bit speechless and impressed. Hazel typically didn't speak like that, so it wasn't that hard to be shocked. But then they rapidly recovered, this was Hazel after all. Her mind was as bright as her eyes. Then her cheeks became slightly red, and she said,"Unless I'm with Frank. He says I shouldn't care but I do."

"Whose Fran-" The doorbell rang and Thanatos literally squealed of anticipation and sprinted to the doors. "Uh, hey." Nico heard the deepest, most seductive voice ever, and he was pretty sure Eros wasn't even trying to sound that way. They both walked in the kitchen, and Nico's eyes literally exploded from the sight of him. Tall, very buff but not too ripped, muscular to the perfect size, golden curly locks that reached to the tips of his ears, azure eyes that gleamed with curiosity. Though he wasn't Nico's type, he was extremely hot. "Hello, everyone." Eros said and flashed a smile so handsomely, Hades swooned. "Hi." Bianca replied unfazed and little Hazel tackled him in a hug. "EROS!!" She yelled happily and he hugged her back, letting Thanatos' hand go. 

"HAZZIE!" He yelled back and then swung her in the air, Thanatos pouted,"How come you never do that to me?" Eros looked at him and set Hazel down, much to her dismay. "Because you weigh more than sixty pounds and I dont want to accidentally drop you, love." Sighing, Thanatos regained control of Eros's hand and dragged him to the living room. "Nice meeting you, too." Nico mumbled. Persephone laughed,"They will be back when the pizza arrives, but Thanatos is a very protective boy especially of his 'territory' but maybe one day you and Eros could be good friends... If he ever gets over his jealousy issues." Then Hades laughed, the first good laugh Nico or Bianca ever heard, a deep, contagious laugh. Nico found himself unwillingly chuckling along then halting himself and frowning... This.. Was going to be harder than expected. Seems like abhorring Hades and his family with every inch of Nico's being was not going to be the easiest challenge, he doubted he could pull it off and at the time being, he didn't actually want to hate them. The lanky boy had already become quite fond of Hazel, and Hades did not seem to be the man he expected... 

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