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"ALICIA! ALICIA! Where the hell is the room...AL,FINALLY!" Roman barged into the room automatically seeing Nikki on the balcony her back towards him.


"Oh my god...Ro Roman it was terrible this man just came a-

"SAVE IT YOU LYING BITC* y- out of no where Robert came tackling Roman to the ground.

"Get the hell off of me!"

"Sorry boy can't do that I mean I could,after I did this." He reached in his pocket pulling out a knife inching it close to Roman's throat. "Any last words lover boy?"

"FREEZE! Put the weapon down and put your hand behind your head!"

The hall filled with cops some already slowly walking into the room.

"And what let you shoot me,I've escaped and I'm not going back so if I go,he goes!"


Many more of the cops started to ease into the room and that's when Robert made his move,he threw the knife gladly it hit the wall he took off towards the balcony and jumped...

"Nikki Bella you're under arrest put your hands behind your head anything said can be used against you."

"WHAT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I'M DIVAS CHAMPION YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" The officer put her in handcuffs leading her out the room.

Roman skidded to the balcony where he saw Alicia still barley hanging on.

"Alicia baby girl take my hand,please."

"Is it true Roman...you only did all of this because you felt sorry for me."

"No...that's bull shi* I love you Alicia,take my hand!"

"Roman you do AH! OH MY GOD I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE." Her hand began to slip and everything in her mind began to go all over.


"No! I'm gonna die! I wanted to make history as divas champion! I wanted to aplogize to Raven for being such an itch to her when we were younger I've wanted to try on heels just to make Foxy happy! I wanna aplogize to Roman,I love him I don't wanna be with anyone else no one ever!" She was freaking out so much she Haden't noticed Roman had leaned over just enough to get a good grip pulling her up currently in his arms still carrying on.

A smal smile crept across Roman's face when he heard her say the Last thing. He gently cupped her face and kissed her to finally shut her up, once he pulled away she slowly opened her eyes and noticed where she was.

"Just so you know,that want...already happened even though you shouldn't be the one apologizing,accepted and I love you too."

"C...can we get outta this room,please."

"Of course." He stood up picking her up bridal style. "I've got a lot to work on..I'm gonna work hard to get back to myself...gain your complete trust...never again...never...I promise that cross my heart."

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