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Several trainers kept trying to approach Alicia but every one that came left with a bit of their dignity crushed with how much she went off on them.

She was beyond pissed and annoyed never did she ever plan of the night going this way,first Marti gets injured then she gets the title stolen from her.

"Excuse me Mrs Love we n-

"I DON'T NEED ANY HELP GOD WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" She slid off the table storming out of the room,once things were in her sight she started throwing things and screaming. Not caring that cameras were around doing what they usually do.

Then just to add more to the fire she saw The Bellas and Madison.

"Hey look it's the FORMER divas champ,I tried wa- before Nikki could the rest of her words out Alicia ran forward spearing her to the ground. Brie kept trying to pull Alicia off resulting in a elbow to the face Madison just standing there yelling...

"YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT TITLE YOU STOLE IT FROM ME YOU BITC*!"!The next thing she knew she was being pulled off of Nikki by Roman and carried to the locker room.

"I WANT MY REMATCH!" Was what she empt screaming the whole way back to the locker room,she was still going at Iot when they'd gotten to the locker room so Roman had placed her down then automatically but rough/passionately kissed her.

"Alright seriously Roman if you're gonna bang my sister at least put on a condom." Dean said across the room on one of the couches.

"Shut up Ambrose... Baby girl take w deep breath and look at me."


"Deep breath." Once she did Roman picked her up carrying her to the couch then taking her hands into his.

" i know how much it meant you become the longest reigning diva champion but i just want you to know even if you don't have that title you'll always be my champion,they won by cheating very typical but how many people do you know can come back from what you came back from and fight every night,not many...I know that title meant a lot but you need to realize,you're still champion to almost EVERYONE,I love you so much baby."

"Yea and I love you too sis but you're not getting no long speech from me...just remember,you're related to the lunatic,use that advantage just don't use chairs...that's my thing."

"Well isn't that tragic...well,I guess it's down to you two...brother be brother for that title,sorry bro but my man,he's got this."

"Well like you said,brotha vs brotha,may the best win."

"I'll be ringside just so you know and ah...I've got a surprise for you,you'll just have to wait and see."

"Oh god you two save it for the room!"

"Love you too bro."


Credits to WrestleView.com http://www.wrestleview.com/wwe-survivor-series-2015/56960-wwe-survivor-series-ppv-results-11-22-15-live-from-atlanta

Ambrose jumps off the top rope and Reigns catches Ambrose with a Superman punch! Ambrose somehow kicks out. Ambrose fires back with a clothesline on Reigns. Reigns with a spear out of no where! Ambrose somehow kicks out. Ambrose cuts off a spear by Reigns with a kick to the face and then sends Reigns shoulder first into the steel ring post getting a two count off a roll up. Ambrose connects with Dirty Deeds on Reigns for another close two count. Reigns and Ambrose both sit up and exchange shots. Reigns with a headbutt. Ambrose with jabs. Ambrose with forearms to Reigns in the corner. Reigns with clothesline shots. Ambrose back with forearms and stomps. Reigns with a spear on Ambrose! Reigns gets the pinfall and becomes the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


"OH MY GOD! HE WON!" Alicia automatically slid into the ring running to Roman and hugging him.

"You did it Ro! You did it!"

"Congrats Brotha." Dean joined into the hug hugging them from behind and then leaving the ring. Clapping as he walked backwards up the ramp.

"Come on baby girl,let's go celebrate." He whispered into her ear,he held down the rope for her letting her get out of the ring first,as soon as he was about to leave the ring suddenly someone came up from behind as soon as he turned around he was met with a brouge kick.

As soon as Alicia turned around back to the ring the bell rang and Roman was completely out of it, Shemus had gone for a cover but Roman kicked out at two,Alicia went to walk back closed to the ring when suddenly someone from behind ran up behind hitting her with something knocking her out.

Before everything blacked out the only thing she could hear was Shemaus's music playing...

"Meeting Madison" in Book Redemption From The Start Forever hearts. If you forgot who Madison was.

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