A Trip Back To The Past •2•

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Your eyes open at the speed of light. "Oh Jesus it was just a dream." You let out a sigh. You pick yourself up off the wooden floor and look around. You're still in the house.

"Ok." You sigh. "Maybe it wasn't a dream." Suddenly the doorbell rings and you know this must be Maya.

"COMING!" You run to the door and open it to see Maya.

"Hey girl!" She hugs you. You gently pat her back awkwardly. "What was wrong? It sounded like you were scared."

"Uh I actually don't know." You scratch your head.

"Well, are you excited?" Maya touches your arm gently.

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Uh, about what?"

"Girl, about the Grammys!" Maya slaps your arm playfully.


Maya raises her eyebrow. "Girl you can sing! You're one of the best female pop vocalists in the world! You got a voice like Whitney, and moves like Michael! Girl you got it all." Maya says enthusiastically.

Maya frowns. "Y/N, are you feeling ok?" Maya raises her eyebrow.


"Chill, did you bump your head or something?" Maya walks into your kitchen.

You follow her into the kitchen. "I don't know, I fell asleep a fifteen year old, and woke up a 31 year old." You rub your forehead.

"Maybe you had one of those dreams within a dream." Maya shrugs her shoulders.

"Forget it." You sigh in frustration. "When is the Grammys?" You ask Maya.

"Uh in like five days." Maya says nonchalantly.

Your eyes widen. "Am I performing or what?"

"Uh no. You're nominated for certain awards." Maya says slightly irritated. "Y/N, you should've known about this for like 2 months!" Maya walks out of the kitchen and you follow suit.

"I'm sorry ok, my mind is a little off as you can see." You pause. "Wait, how do you know all of this stuff? Are you like my manager?" You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

Maya stares at you blankly. "I'm done talking to you."

"Wait Maya, I know Michael Jackson?" You smirk.

"Duh you've known him ever since you were kids. You guys basically grew up together." Maya walks over to your bookshelf and grabs a scrapbook and a old diary as it seems.

"Here. Since you're having some issues, I'm gonna let you look in these." She hands you the scrapbook and the diary.

"Start reading kiddo. So I'm gonna head out, if you need anything call me." Maya heads to the door. Before she leaves she turns around.


You look up from the books. "Yes?" You answer.

"Go explore the city, or go call some people, the phone numbers are over there on the desk." She points to a shiny desk.

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye Y/N." She shuts the door.

You walk over to the couch and start to read through the diary. Once you open the first page, you see the title entry July 10, 1971.
Dear diary,
I won my fourth talent competition! My father says that if I continue to win these I could get an audition! But besides all that, I miss my friend so much, you know, Michael. I remember when he had to leave to Cali, and that was one of the  worst days of my life. He was my only friend and now he's gone. I still talk to him on the phone, not as much as I would like to though cause Joseph doesn't like when Michael's on the phone. I'm very proud of Michael and his brothers. They got signed to Motown! That's amazing. I can't wait till I'm on their level. God, they've got it all. I'm proud of my boys.

"Wow. So I am from the 60s. Then how come when I had that 'dream' when I was 15, it was so real." You continue to read the diary but skip some parts.
July 15, 1974
Dear diary,
I've finally made it! They've given me a record deal at Epic Records! I'm so excited. And the best part, I'm moving to Cali! This is gonna be great, I get to see my very best friend again. I remember when I called Michael and told him I was moving there. He was so excited. He said he was proud of me, and he knew I could do it. Ugh, I love him so much.

"Oh my god. I did know him for that long. And I've got talent." You smirk.

August 29, 1974
We're here in Cali and guess where we moved? We live about six houses down from Michael! We can be like we used to be when we were back in Indiana. Oh, life is gonna be good now.

You close the diary and start to look at the scrapbook. You see pictures of you working in the studio, and pictures of you with different people.

Under the picture is writing that says "Y/N and the Jacksons 1975." In the picture is you, all of the jacksons, and a woman that looks like you do now. She must be related to you in some way.

She's beautiful.

You continue to scroll through the scrapbook and one picture catches your eye the most. "Michael and I 1977" it's you and Michael chasing each other. The way he's looking at you in the picture seems like you hold a place in his heart.

"This is adorable. And awesome." Suddenly the phone rings, making you jump.

You run over to the phone and answer it. "Hello?" You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"Hey Y/N!"

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