Chapter 16

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The black orbs came closer. But...they weren't Death Eaters...

"Alan?!" Hermione called. "I thought we were facing Death Eaters?"

"Oh, I didn't mention this...heh..."

"Alan!" we all screamed in unison. "Then what are these?"

"Well, technically they're dementors...but they've been modified...a lot. Most likely by the Ministry."

"What's...different about them?" Ron wheezed.

"Well," Alan chuckled as they inched closer to the tower. "They are at least twenty times more likely to kill you, and they're immune to the Patronus charm." Before we could yell in response, Harry came bounding in with Professor Dumbledore.

"Oh, Alan, I told you to warm them beforehand!" Dumbledore scolded. "Pity, but I'm afraid greetings will have to wait. I assume you've given them their positions?" Alan nodded solemnly. "Wonderful...Oh, here they come! I'm afraid that the explaining must wait, and don't try the Patronus charm...they only get bigger and worse." He sighed.

"So we heard..." Neville muttered.

The dementors stood in front of us, making awful hissing noises.

"Don't be afraid...come to us...we will eat your soul..." the dementors whispered.

"Really comforting, but I'll pass." I commented, launching a hex at the one in the center. It simply deflected off of it.

"Oh, you foolish girl. We are indestructible." they sneered in unison. "We know your fears, Ginerva Weasley. You are the youngest, the runt. You fear that Harry doesn't care for you, you fear defeat and rejection!"

"You haven't even got a brain!" Harry defended, and made the mistake of launching a Patronus charm. We watched in horror as the dementors all grew to twenty times their original size.

"We know your fears, Harry Potter. You fear others dying for you. You fear that Ginerva Weasley will never like you. You fear us."

Harry likes me!!

Oh shut up Ginny, not now.

"Don't call me Ginerva!" I yelled furiously. The dementors roared with horrible, wicked laughter.

"Oh, Ginerva. I know! How about we all continue to recite what each of you fear? We'll be here long enough...

You fear never being able to tell Harry your feelings for him-you fear him loving Hermione."

"I do love Hermione! As a sister!" Harry piped up.

"Yes, yes, very touching. Oh, Hermione Granger. You fear failing, and must I say that you are failing miserably right now. You fear that Ronald Weasley will never love you, but Lavender Brown. Shall I continue?" The middle dementor drawled.

"That is enough," Dumbledore sharply interfered. But it seemed as though they weren't done. Everyone was covering their ears in terror, screaming.

You're just useless...the runt of the litter. The youngest, oh yes, while your mother wanted a girl, she didn't want you. Harry pities you.

"ENOUGH!" Dumbledore bellowed. Silence fell upon us.

"Oh, Albus Dumbledore. It is your time, yes?" a dementor on the right jeered.

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