Chapter 19

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No. It couldn't be.

As I watched the orb roll away, I unexpectedly let out a gasp.

Now you remember me.

The voice seemed to come from the wall itself.

Tell anyone Malfoy, and you and your whole family will be gone within seconds. Only the snap of a finger and...

"Alright! I get it!" I roared as I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks. I'd heard it one too many times, even from my own father. If I didn't do as I was told, I would die.

There was silence.

I immediately stepped out of the room, and out of the place itself. I stomped into the bathroom, the only one in the entire Gryffindor common area. It was right by the girls dormitory. As I entered, I slammed the door behind me, feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I had forgotten that anyone could come in. As I sat by the sink crying, I felt someone watching me. I looked up to see two chocolate brown orbs stare at me.

"Crying is said to relieve sadness." Hermione said rather dryly. I chuckled a little, causing my stomach to hurt and more tears to flow.

"I think I'm still sad." I replied with a hint of sarcasm. She looked slightly embarrassed. I smirked effortlessly, causing her to look around and then sigh.

"Must you smirk like that?" she implied with a gesture to my forever lingering smirk. I nodded at her and conjured a wooden crate with my wand. Without asking, she sat on it and awkwardly waited for me to continue.

Does she really expect me to pour my heart out to her?

Apparently so.

I no longer found her exactly bothersome, but our meets were brief and hidden. I twirled my wand in my hand and cleared my throat.

"Fancy seeing you here, Granger." I started.

"Malfoy." Hermione said seriously, and I calmed myself.

I couldn't tell her. She would freak out, and I would be left with no one. And everyone would disapprove. I'd get turned down.

I glanced at her. She was wearing plain jeans and a plain gray shirt, but she was wearing a colorful scarf and a simple, brown belt. Her earrings were yellow and turquoise feather like things, and a purple ring was on her finger. The glasses she had on framed her face, and I couldn't help but notice her bright yellow shoes. She had also brought her brown messenger bag. Her hair was in loose curls that perfectly coiffed at any given time, and her eyes stood out so plainly against her glasses. (A/N: yes, I am using that whole eye cliché thing)

"...Draco?" she finished abruptly, now seeing that I hadn't been paying attention. She was about to continue, but instead I interrupted her.

"Why do you wear glasses?" I asked before I could stop myself. "You never did before, and I'm pretty sure you don't need them."

"They're for reading," she quickly explained.

Apparently she's been reading 24/7.

I reached my hand up and pulled her glasses off, fully revealing her perfect brown eyes.

"No I..."

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