Chapter 10

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Hey! So in honor of today being Christmas, this chapter takes place on Christmas Eve and Christmas! Honestly...this might be posted tomorrow or the day after, but just so you know, I meant for this to be up on Christmas. Sorry for the title...I don't even know what to call it.
Dedicated to Fabulous_Fandom

Christmas Eve. Why was it such a big deal? Mum had ushered us all to the Burrow for Christmas break, including Harry and Hermione. Not that I was complaining for the most part, but Hermione's neatness was starting to drive me crazy.

"Ginny!" Mum hollered from the steps. "Cone help set the table, don't be rude!" I rolled my eyes, but went on down.

I waved my wand, making the silverware drift into place, and the plates came clattering over.

"Ginny! Keep it down, maybe it might help if you didn't use magic for everything!"

I gestured to the knife on the counter, which was chopping of vegetables by itself. "Really?" I muttered, but stopped levitating them, forcing them to crash onto the table. Mum came stomping in, stopping in front of me.

I cringed as she used my real name.
"We have guests and I will not allow you to be like this! And honestly, get it together or I may reconsider sending you back to Hogwarts after the break." I have her a look of utter shock.

She wouldn't dare.

The gleam in her eye told me she wasn't kidding.
I slowly began to pick up the dishes, and set them neatly on the table. Each time I did so, Mum came by again and corrected their position.

"I'm going to see if the boys want to play Quidditch with me-'Mione can play too." I said hurriedly. Mum looked regretful, but nodded, signaling I could leave.

I fled up the steps, and pounded on the boys' door.
"Bloody wonder! Gosh Ginny!" Ron's muffled exclamation came. I rolled my eyes and banged on the door again.

"Let me in!" I grumbled. The door finally creaked open, and I lunged at the hand that had opened it. "Come on! We'll play Quidditch, now let's go get 'Mione!" Uh oh. I glanced down at the hand. It wasn't Ron's, like I thought it was. It was Harry's. I felt my cheeks flush a little, and I backed away. "Err...sorry...never mind..."
Harry smiled nonchalantly.
"Actually, that sounds great." He finished. I couldn't help but smile. Ron let out a mechanical cough, and we both turned around.

"Yeah, Quidditch." Ron accepted. We
all walked out and sauntered over to the room I shared with Hermione. I pushed open the door, and saw she was reading a book titled The Beginners Guide to Vanishing Cabinets. I shrugged simply, while Harry and Ron seemed intrigued  and exchanged meaningful glances, but didn't say anything.

"'Mione," Ron pondered. "Wanna watch or play Quidditch with us? Mum finally sent the twins to see Charlie in Romania for the break, so we need you to play for even teams, we'll play a couple rounds."
She looked stressed and worried, but solemnly agreed.

Once I was sure the boys were a good ways ahead of us, I whispered, "Are you alright?" She shook her head, but didn't  say anything.

When we reached the open field behind  The Burrow, I told them I would go and get the brooms from the shed. Harry and Ron were arguing over teams, so I quickly pulled Hermione back with me. She was pale; I dragged her to the shed and we brought out the brooms. Before we went back, I stopped her.

"Hermione, you are not alright." I told her sternly. She guiltily nodded. "Aha! Tell me!" She shook her head briefly.

"I...I can't."
I rolled my eyes. "Well, you can tell me later. Let's figure out teams or else they'll be bring bickering all day." She laughed slightly at this.

We went back to the field.

"I'm telling you, 'Mione and I should be on a team together!" I protested angrily.
After several minutes, we came to this agreement:

1. Hermione would play with Harry because:
a) Harry played better than Ron and I (this was disputed for awhile, until finally we settled for dueling, where Harry gradually won.)
b) Hermione wasn't a very good Quidditch player (she herself agreed to this.)

2. I would play with Ron because:
a) Hermione was already on a team with Harry
b) Ron was the only other option.

3. Ron likes chicken a lot because:
a) He made us stop the argument 6 times so that he could get a chicken leg.
b) Basically, we just all agreed to this. It's a fact of life. Ronald loves chicken.

"Alright! 'Mione, you know the rules right?" Harry enthused. She shakily nodded in response.

We mounted out brooms, and I shouted "Go!" We raced around in the air, occasionally scoring a goal in the makeshift goals we had set up. Even Hermione looked like she was enjoying herself, though Ron and I easily surpassed her. Harry was the one who kept us from scoring most of the time, and he was the one who caught the makeshift Golden Snitch we had made (it was actually a cheese ball with fake wings glued on, so it pretty much just dropped down despite the magic we put on it. That made for a distracted Ron and an easy catch for Harry. I was furious, we should've asks Hermione to charm it.) And that was the first round.

We all sat on the tiny, rickety wooden bench, strategizing and taking sips of water.

We were just about to start a new round, when a figure swirled into view (they had Apparated.) Malfoy. For some reason, the boys stared suspiciously at Hermione instead of him.

"Hello, Granger, Weasel, Potty. Oh, and Weasel Jr, the first member of the Harry Potter fan club." Malfoy sneered. I threw him a menacing look that shut him up. He glanced down at our worn brooms then continued, "I suppose you're playing Quidditch. Didn't know you played, Granger. Never seen you play. Mind if I join in?"
I sensed it was more a command than a question, but I held up my nose and refused to look at him.

"Yes, yes we do mind, Malfoy." I replied. He laughed coldly.

"Well too bad." He whipped out his Firebolt and twirled it around on his finger. "Hmm... I'll be on a team with Potty and Granger, seeing as I don't want to become a ginger and this team needs serious help." Harry was about to  slap Malfoy, but Malfoy caught Harry's hand before he could. "Nice try," he said with sarcasm. He looked like he was about to judo flip Harry, but eventually left him.

Once Harry had gotten up, he raged, "No way will I be on a team with you, Malfoy." He stomped over to my team. "I'm with the gingers." I burst out into fits of laughter, while Hermione looked dreadful. Uh oh. We had left Hermione on a team with Malfoy.

I mouthed, "Sorry!" Then turned away to discuss tactics with Harry and Ron. She didn't show any emotion, she just turned her back on us and faced him. I watched as she listened and nodded.

Harry was talking. "...and then we'll come in from..." I wasn't listening. What were they discussing? It didn't look like Quidditch, for Malfoy didn't seem to care as much as he usually did about winning.

"Alright, let's play!" Harry chanted. Hermione reluctantly got up, and Malfoy sneered and swaggered over.

It was a heated match. Since we had Harry, we were close to winning several times-but the Snitch kept escaping (Hermione put some better charms on it.)

And then it happened. After going back and forth between teams, Malfoy snagged it. The Golden Snitch. He erupted with victory chants, and Hermione seemed embarrassed. Harry looked furious, and I tried to calm him down. He only raged further.

Harry pointed to Draco.
"Get. Out." Harry muttered. Draco curtly nodded. But he did the unexpected. He grabbed Hermione by the arm, and Apparated.

Both of them had disappeared.

"Hermione!" We all yelled in unison. Gone.

So thx for that little rant//evil time! Maybe I'll update later...

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