Chapter 15

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"Oh, is Neville too scared to do it?" Seamus teased. I held up my hand nervously to object.

"No, I'll...I'll do it..." I replied.

"There's a passage to the girl's dormitory behind the portrait just over there," he explained eagerly, pointing to the portrait of a Hogwarts headmaster that stood on the far wall of the room.

"Okay," I sighed and pulled open the painting, revealing a small, yet useable passageway.

"Good luck Neville!" I heard Harry honestly shout as I disappeared into the dark.

"Lumos!" I cried as light burst from my wand. I smiled to myself and continued to crawl down the passage. This wouldn't be so bad. All I had to do was go to the girl's dormitory, find a few girls and scare the day lights out of them. Though normally, it was me getting scared.

No one had really stayed for the rest of the ball, but most of the boys had scurried down in groups under Harry's invisibility cloak to sneak some snacks back to the dormitory. We succeeded for the most part, but after around ten trips back and forth, McGonagall saw Dean's foot peeking out from the cloak, since it could only barely manage to hide two people. She didn't say anything, but we decided that the mounds we already had in store under Seamus' bed was enough.

We had stayed in the common room until around eleven o'clock at night; when the announcement that we had to leave was made, the Gryffindors threw a party instead.

I heard the shuffling of feet above me. It sounded like I was getting closer to the girl's dormitory, the talk of makeup and clothes was starting to linger.

But then there was silence. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Bring them to us, leave them at the dwelling of few if you wish to live...The Astronomy Tower...

The Chosen
The Brightest
The King
The Beauty
The Dreamer
The Rebel
The Cunning

The voice stopped hissing in my ear.

Well, The Chosen, The Brightest, The King and The Dreamer were pretty obvious. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna. But The Beauty? Countless girls would probably argue for the title. Though, seeing as she was around Harry a lot, it was probably Ginny. I didn't really understand who The Rebel was though. It must be Seamus or Dean. Who was The Cunning?

I wondered, did the others hear the voice too? It sounded like Bellatrix to me, but I had no intentions of finding out.

Should I go back?

I kept crawling.

There were bloodcurdling screams coming from above me. I heard Parvati shriek repeatedly, "We're all going to die!"

Then came Lavender's shrill cry of, "Send them to the Astronomy Tower!"

I guessed Ron's plan on making her nicer isn't working.

The very ground beneath me shook.

Well, new plan.

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