Separated by a Fence (14)

Start from the beginning

          “Where’s the French toast?” I boomed, sliding into the kitchen.

I glanced up, to see Skyler sitting at the kitchen bench, chomping on some strawberry yoghurt and Seth reading the local newspaper, sipping a cup of coffee. Those sneaky devils were HIDING the French toast from me? Huh!

I chuckled, slapping my handbag on the kitchen counter. “Haha, nice joke guys. Now hand the French toast over!”

          Seth raised an eyebrow, looking confused. “Uh, don’t know what you are talking about. But anyway, you gotta go soon Montana! Otherwise you’ll be late. And we certainly don’t want that.’

Confusion took over me. What?

Skyler slid off her seat, taking her yoghurt and cup of milk with her. She strode past me, an amused look on her face. Just as she passed me, she whispered in my ear “There wasn’t any French toast by the way. I’m clever huh?”. And with that, she strode out of the kitchen-most probably going to finish her breakfast in front of the TV, most probably watching How I Met Your Mother or something like that.

I glared after her, imagining I was burning holes in her back.

          “So what are the arrangements?” Seth asked.

“For what?” I questioned, striding over to the fridge, grabbing an Up & Go Strawberry Flavour.

Seth rolled his eyes. “The arrangements for today.”

          I forced the straw into the box, sighing. “Well, we arranged that we’d meet at Crane Park and Marcus’s Mum is going to drop him off there.”

Seth raised an eyebrow. “I thought you were heading to Kids Palace?”

          I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, that’s what I wanted and what we were originally doing-until Sam called up saying he’s ‘allergic’ to too many kids in the same room. Lame excuse, let me tell you.”

Seth chuckled. “Wow. Well you’d better go now. How are you going to get to the park?”

          “Um, I’ll walk, it’s not far,” I shrugged, before glugging down the strawberry milk down.

Seth nodded. “Well, have fun. I’m going to the gym. You know, after pigging out the last few nights on food. Gonna try go on a diet.”

          I snorted. “You? On a diet? Pfft.”

Seth raised an eyebrow, looking amused. “What, don’t think I can go on a diet?”

          “How long do you think you’ll last?’ I chuckled. “What, 2 hours max?”

Seth chuckled, joining in with me. “Damn, hate to agree with you-but I think your right. I really need to learn to manage my impulsivity. Do you think there are classes for that?”

          I grinned, sipping the last bits of my milk. “Highly doubt that.”

Seth saluted me, striding out of the kitchen. “Have fun with your ‘family’ cupcake!”

I rolled my eyes. Ugh, don’t remind me.

I tossed my milk carton into the bin, and decided it was time to leave. Unfortunately. I mean, I could easily just stand them up and skip it, and just stay home and watch Modern Family-but I didn’t want to flunk the class. And no doubt Sam would dob me into Miss Applegate. And didn’t Miss Applegate have ‘spies’?      

I told Mum I was leaving, and left the house. I pulled out my iPhone out, and plugged my ear buds into my ears, tapping on Still into You by Paramore. Damn, that song was a song of the century.

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