Chapter 10

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'Courage is not having the strength to go on. It is going on when you don't have strength .'


Kemp is enjoying the freaking party with Linn. And I am,here, locked in this freaking washroom.

Yeah I escaped from there, lying them that I needed to pee. But fortunately someone locked the door from outside.Yes 'fortunately'. I didn't want to return and face asshole anyway.

I am such a unlucky person.

HA! But my unluck was lucky for me this time.

Thank God! Staying in this washroom is hell lot easier than staying in that party.

I am here only for Linn.Mind that! I haven't seen her this happy and also sexy.Its her day. I cannot ruin it because of my oh-so-deadly relation with asshole.

Looking at the mirror, I was adjusting strand of my hair disturbing my cheek, when I saw reflection of white fog forming behind me.I ignored it thinking it might be my illusion.

But no..

Soon the white fog covered all the washroom. I was trying hard not to take in the gas but I needed to breathe.The poisonous gas started to blur my vision and was making me hard to breathe. I was suffocating in there. I started to cough and my head was spinning accordingly.

I tried to recall all my beloved ones before I die as there is no way out now.I am trapped.I wonder who might have wanted me dead?

Long lost in the forest, my Angel,
Not a tear or blood wasted,
Her beloved ones still waiting,
Singing the song of fighter and victory,

Sound of my mother was ringing on my ears.She used to sing this to me when I was small.

I must not give up.Like a fighter, my mother wanted me to be.

With shaky body and blurry vision I tried to reach the door.I knocked the door with all the power I could manage.But the gas was really weakening my strength. I was in the verge of collapsing when someone opened the door.

Even with my blury vision I could see scared blue eyes.Oh its Dylon.

Dylon carried me using both his powerful hands.

I tried to protest his action but was unable to do so. Instead I whispered into his chest "Hey ugly duckling, please don't let Linn know about this."

"Shuushh..Don't worry about that.I am not going to leave whoever did this to you." Dylon said, his voice almost breaking.

"Hey Dylon!" somebody shouted from back.I could hear his uneven breathe as if he had just ran miles to reach here.But I didn't have the energy to look up.

"What's wrong with her..

"Aiden please open the door, will you?" Dylon interrupted, not listening to whatever he was about to say.

I was put on a compy bed.Dylon fetched me some water.I drank the water not arguing.I didn't know I was thirsty.I was feeling better in the normal atmosphere.

"Are you hurt? Let me call the doctor.Just wait for ...

Waving off and interrupting Dylon, I said, "Oh no no please.I am all right."

"Its just that I inhaled some unusual gas rather than oxygen." I said smiling at them.But they didn't seem to be convinced at all.

"You really are something, aren't you?" asshole commented on my reasoning with disbelieving expression.

Good At NothingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora