Chapter 5

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Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.


Today,is the day of the deal.

"This is so not you" Kathryn exclaimed with oh so shocked expression.

Linn was eating cookies continuously looking at me.

I don't blame them whatsoever , its literally the first time I got ready twenty minutes before the usual time.Can you imagine, five - ten - fifteen - twenty minutes earlier.I dindn't know I was this punctual when I was nervous.

"Okay.Stop eating Linn.Your clothes might not fit you. We don't have time for shopping.Go and get dressed." I said in serious tone.

"First you stop walking here and there.You might lose your weight.Its better your tongue slips infront of people than your pants" Linn replied immediately.Kathryn laughed at her sarcasm but stopped as soon as I gave her murderous look.

How can people reply so fast?

I am not GOOD at replying.

Linn handed the bowl of cookies to Kathryn and said "Chill Evy.It will not be so hard.Okay?"

I nodded my head and Linn went to my room to change her clothes.

"You don't have to go to work?" I asked Kathryn raising both my eyebrows.

Slapping her forehead slightly Kathryn said "Oh Yeah. Best of luck drummy. Don't panic ,okay? Good things always happen with good people."

"You officially admitted I am good now, huh?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Whatever.Bye drummy."Kathryn said waving off her hair.

"Don't call be drummy, you asshole" I shouted back at her.But she ignored me completely.


We were in library at the corner of course as we don't want to be noticed when the librarian apologized for the disturbance and announced " Is Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam present here ? Whoever you are , you are requested to meet disciplinary incharge right away."

Holy freaking pasta!

Linn was trying hard to suppress her laugh while I closed my eyes with utter embarrassment.

Every eyes were on us when we left the library.Ha! who cares.

'I do' my useless subconscious popped up.

As soon as we were out of the library Linn started to laugh, tears rolling down her cheek.

"My best friend is so helpful.Lord! Thank you so much" I squealed faking joy.

Linn seem to understand my annoyance.She tucked her hair back to her ear and said" I will wait for you at the garden.Meet me there after you talk with incharge."

I simply nodded.


Some of the students were already there when I got in.

"Yes.. everyone meet your leader Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam " incharge informed as soon as he spotted me.

Nobody seemed to be interested except one boy with big circlular specs.He muttered a hey!

I smiled at him as a reply to his hey.

Once we all were seated incharge announced giving us some handouts "Now.Here is profile and routine of the students joining this institution from today onwards . Each of you have to help the ones on your handouts in any way possible."

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