Chapter 1

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One of the most important things I have learned in life is to ignore most of what people say.
I watch what they do instead.
~Amanda Patterson


Life is unpredictable. So am I. I cannot believe how my life turned  to the direction I never wanted it to come across. I really miss my old self.

This is not what I wanted from my life.Confident people have always atrracted me.

Who wants to be someone who is unnoticed but package of embarrasement.


I understand.

But come on no one is perfect. So I can't expect me to be 'The perfect One'. Right?

Even though I am denying this thing the whole time but I know the answer that its never too late to improve yourself.Its never too late to be confident.Its never too late to restore faith in yourself.

'OOO STOP THERE ...YOU LOST GIRL'..Kathryn, my dear sister, shouted bringing me back from my train of thoughts.

'I was not lost, Kath. Don't call me that.I have a beautiful name.Alright!' I snapped.

'And 'btw' why are you shouting' I added, in her always-oh-so-excited tone.

'Yeah Yeah whatever...WAIT, drummy did you just said BTW ' she exclaimed looking with her originally big hazel eyes.

I didn't like the way this conversation was going. So, ignoring her I started to look into my chemistry book.YES you heard it right chemistry book. I have exam today, and here I am,  clueless .


I sometimes wonder what chemistry actually is?

"Drummy,did you just ignore me?" Kathryn distracted me again.

Can't she leave me alone?

I looked at her.Irritation was quite clear in her face.Irritating her was one of my favorite hobby.


AAARGH..I shouted at top of my lung..hoping that I sounded scared.

'What's wrong? Is there something on my face?' Kathryn asked worriedly touching her face.She became pale.

"No nooo.."I stuttered pointing at her back shaking my finger.

Kathryn slowly turned around to see and I couldn't help but laugh.

Oh Crap! Somebody stop me , my stomach will explode any time soon'

"Hey, stop it now"kathryn shouted. Kathryn was fuming by now.

"Do you want mom to come here"she added pointing her index finger towards me.

Afterall she is my sister and knows how to shut me up.I love my mother and right now she is sleeping so I don't want her to run down here.She hates kathryn and mine cat-and-dog fight.

''So tell me from where did BTW come from ?" Kathryn asked wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

Kath is unstoppable.Seriously!I don't think she is letting it go any soon.

" Oh come on, for the sake of pizza, just let it go,okay? What are you making big issue of?Do you always want to drag the same thing.. Okay fine I am not the girly little sister you always wanted.Happy."

With that I stormed out of study room.I could hear her saying something.But I ignored her.Once again.

Yayy..shut up.

Its so much fun to irritate your elder sister who is five year older than you.Its not that I hate her.I love her.I must say Kathryn is tolerant enough to bear short tempered and  not-so-friendly sister like me.

But I am not that bad.Am I?

Oh yes! I am afterall

I have failed everything in my life.I have failed to be a good sister, daughter and a friend. I have failed myself.


I took a shower to calm my nerves. The cold water is always like a painkiller to me. I  dressed up in  my usual jeans-tshirt-converse combo and packed my backpack and left from there.

On my way to bustop, I tried to memorize what I had learned but guess what nothing actually came up.Oh Lord! help me this once.

I am already late than usual and why isn't the bus coming.I am so freaking dead.I have to reach there by ten and its already nine past fifteen.
15 min..
"Where is the freaking bus?"
Oops did I say it loud.Yeah I did.

I looked around in apologetic manner.But no one suppose to understand me so I whispered a little sorry.

Sorry is probably the hardest thing to say.Atleast for me.

'I think the bus has gone to serve god in heaven' said someone. Everyone laughed except me.He sounded playful.

'Aren't you the incharge of heaven go and bring it ' I wanted to say but I didn't.

One embarressment per day is enough for me. So, I ignored whoever this someone was.

The bus came exactly at nine thirty that means I am going to be late by ten minutes.That's maximum.How am I going to explain it to the incharge?

Jesus!  What about my exam?


Dear readers,

Don't give up on my story.There is loooots to come.
Stay tuned.

Lots of love.


Short one.
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