Chapter 2

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Embarrassment has lot to do with thinking too much.Let it go.Nobody cares as much as you think they do.
~Ryan Robbins


Holy pasta!
Have the school shifted overnight. I don't understand.I have almost reached there but not reached till now.Confusing.

FINALLY. I can see 'The Sampsons High School.' Located in the centre of New York City, it looks extremely enormously large. Yes, too large to afford.My dad works in Sampsons Enterprises . So yeah, being the loyal worker my dad is, on his request I got scholarship in this school with an only deal to maintain discipline in this school.

Among all brats I have to be the good one.I don't know how will I manage to be well mannered. I am late.That means my scholarship? No, don't go there.

Dismissing all the thoughts , I entered school.While passing the guard house, I look up at the clock, .

10:10 AM
CRAP! 10 Minutes late.The guard is looking at me as if I have grown horns overnight.But I ignore him.HA!

"Miss Evelyn"the guard said, sweetly.

Oh god I like this man.

'Yes?' I answered .

'Disciplinary incharge wants to meet you after the exams are over'he said more sweetly than before.

Extreme sweet is bitter.True! I don't like him anymore.

'Okay' I replied as bitterly as I can.

What next??

I ran through the aisles and stairs upto fifth floor. Ugh my leg. Sometimes, I wonder why people build such tall buildings.Can't they just stay happy with one-storey cute structures, like my house. 'Cute', really? Kathryn was right, where are these words coming from? I touch my forehead..maybe I have got fever because of the stress chemistry is giving me.Examfever? Maybe.

Room no12..Room no 12..where is it? Yess there it is. I got it. I rushed towards the door.The golden plate above the door was shining with words in black ROOM:12. I wonder why, I have a feeling that something good is waiting for me inside.

I knocked the door..
No answer
After a moment, I knocked the door again..
"Come in" said someone , irritation evident in his tone.

I opened the door hesitantly and guess what I was right ,I slipped and fell right on my face to meet the floor.Floor was waiting for me inside the room.I am in a dog position as if waiting for my owner to give meal.I could hear laughter all around. Embarrasing.I stood up immediately.

A short bald man came a little walking little running towards me.Looking at me with are you okay or sympathetic look , I couldn't ecactly figure out ,he said'Are you alright dear?'

'Yes Sir' I replied straightly.

'Hurry up,go and sit there.You are late'he said as if reminding me.

'Take a paper from there' he added pointing towards a desk at the corner of the room.
I simply nodded.

Keeping my head down,I I took the paper and sat on first seat of first row . I didn't have the courage and time to look for another seat.

I was the first one to submit answer sheet.


Because of my foul mood and the questions which I had encountered for the first time in my life.

One thing is for sure I am not GOOD at studies.


Beside the huge ground or lets say dating spot, there is a bar that separates the dating spot and my place. My place is full of long lanky grasses.Obviously, because it is not trimmed like other gardens and is unnoticed like me. So this is my favorite place.

The best part is when I sit , the bar completely covers me and I feel protected from all the riches and power people show here.Since this bar gives me so much, I tell all my secrets to it as a return gift. To my only confidant.Why?

Beacause I am not GOOD at sharing secrets.

"Evy!" someone barked on my ear.
Oh fish! I forgot my best friend.

"Umm..Yes" I said awkwardly.
Yes is all you can say Evelyn,I scolded myself.

"Yes? Is that all you can say?"she said.Irritation evident in her eyes.
BINGO! I wanted to say but her expression resisted me from doing so.

"How was your exam?" I said trying to divert the topic. I don't want her to go all gaga over me.

Waving off her hair she said "Superb. As always". We both laughed at her sarcasm.

After all she is my best friend.She can't stay angry with me for long. She sat beside me saying "On a serious note, where were you all these days? No phone calls. No texts. No nothing."

Why? Think of something .. anything .. fast Evelyn..How can I say I forgot her? Its all because of chemistry.

"Evy?" said my best friend shaking me a bit using both her hands.

Giving her a hearty smile I said "First thing its only one and half day , don't make it sound like a year and second you phone..umm..

Before I could complete dearest best friend interupted " What ? What did your phone do this time ?"

" I am tired of your lame excuses. Grow up." she added rolling her eyes three sixty degrees.

Sighing a little I said "Okay.Fine.I forgot."

"Good" she said energitically.Oh! I didn't expect that.
"At least don't lie to me" she added.

I remained silent knowing this is the best I can do for her.I know she is trying hard not to remember her mother who betrayed her father for money.So betrayals and lies don't go with her.She hate liars.
I know she needs time to process all the things and come to her cool usual self.

"So? What are your plans for this weekend?"she broke the awkward silence.

"Nothing" I said simply.

"I am not going to hear any of your excuses.We are going to hang out this weekend"she blabbered.
"And I am coming to your home tonight" she continued leaving me with no choice.

Shaking my head I agreed.She jumped a little in joy.I dont know why she enjoys coming to my house.

My best friend, Linn Livine , is one of the rich kids in this university.Being the younger child of Livine family, she is the most loved one .Yet she feels all these love and attention she gets irritating.She thinks that the love she gets is not for her but for the Livine Industries her father has succeded to build.Point.Afterall world runs through money and power.

But mind that she hates being in limelight.Not many of them know she is the Linn levine.Maybe thats the reason we are friends.

Linn left ten minutes before.I told her not to wait for me , promising her to tell everything incharge says.

Okay.I will knock.
No better run.My subconsious is of no help.
Gathering all the courage I knocked the door.
"Yes come in" harsh voice of incharge makes me more alert.I open the door slowly.
Looking up from whatever he was busy with he said "Oh! Miss Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam,Please come in.Sit down."
I did what I was told.

Being the smart one I am I said"About this morning.I am extremely sorry for being late.This will not repeat."He laughed whole heartedly.Really?

"It's alright Miss Evelyn.You must have some reason.I wanted to talk about some important things today.The Sampsons is enrolling few people by this week.I want you to help them know the rules and regulation of this school.Don't worry there will be other students helping you.But I want you to lead the group."he said as if thats nothing.

I couldn't muster a single word. How can I explain him that I am the most awkward person on planet.I am not GOOD at dealing with people.


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