Chapter 7

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"The rise of silence in the nervous system is the first stage of enlightenment process"


I checked my phone to find two missed calls from mom, one from dad and one from Linn. Surprisingly, all the other missed calls were from unknown numbers.

Same goes to messages , one was from Kathryn and all the other were from unknown numbers.

Completely ignoring the missed calls, I decided to read all the messages.

I opened first message to read,

My bussiness and photography class clashed.Please help.

Oh! How did he get my number.

"Help me.Help me ;) Didn't know you were that helpful.. boss!"

'Boss' that means its Kemp.Oh god! And how did he get my number?

"Hey beautiful! Don't stress yourself much.Take care."

That must be Dylon the duckling.

All the other messages were for help and all regarding routine or studies.

Except one..

Bitch.Stay away.

That didn't sound good at all.How am I bitch overnight? Strange. Whoever it is, is highly mistaken.

"Oops.Wrong number ^_^ " I replied the first one among the hundred and two messages.

And forwarded all the other people same message including scumbag and duckling ,

"Please contact Sampson management for any changes in your routine and for studies please consult with your subject teachers first."

I was more than just lazy to text them separately.

But the question remains same,
How did people get my number?.

My phone vibrated on my hand bringing me back from the trance and startling me at the same time.

"Psycho ugly duckling" flashed on my cellphone's screen.

Duckling and his startling skills. God!

"What's wrong? I am very very busy. Speak up. Fast." I said as soon as I picked up the call.

"Woah woah.Breathe beautiful. Why are you always so busy?" duckling said on the other end sounding slurry.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him immediately.

But this time it wasn't duckling who replied.

"Hey boss! Yeah they are a little drunk.Sorry for the disturbance. You might be busy helping people around" Kemp said chuckling.

"Its all because of your earth shattering kick" Kemp added laughing aloud .

My kick? He must be drunk too.

But being the curious cat I asked him "How do you know duckl..I mean Dylon?And how the hell you all got my number?"

"For any help, please contact the leader Evelyn Rosenfeld Adam..." Kemp said as if reading phrase from a book.

Oh darn!

How can the incharge give my number to all the students without even asking me? I must have atleast checked the routine before giving it to the students. Shit!

They started to rap on the other line, "have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give..." Eminem. It was difficult to catch their slurry words. Funny.

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