Chapter 1

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"Andrew, stop it! Stop it right this minute!"

Angel's face twisted up with disgust as she walked in on her parents, like always, being intimate.

She frowned as she pushed the door open, discovering her father kissing her mother like a starved man. She made a feigned hurling sound deep within her throat, catching them both off guard. Her mother, Hany, looked in her direction before smiling. Her mother pushed her father away and he groaned, pouting like a child.

"Hello, darling, where's your sister?" Her mother asked as she smoothed out her skirt.

Angel shrugged, pointing to the door, "She disappeared down the hall, and she's engrossed in that novel. Her and that silly romance."

Andrew, her father, grinned at her as he moved toward her with open arms. "You could learn a lot from a little romance, Angel."

She frowned again, "Papa, I better not-," he cut her off with a swift, tight hug, picking her up off her feet. She shrieked, her feet kicking aimlessly. She was extremely scared of heights and it was a fear that she had no control over. Her father teased her constantly because of it.

He placed her back on her feet, kissing her on the forehead. She smacked him on the arm, "Oh, you're not funny! Papa, stop doing that!"

He laughed before heading for the door, "That's punishment for interrupting your mother and I."

"You needed to be interrupted! You old lecher!" She snapped.

He paused at the door, his eyes glazing over with fake emotion. He placed a hand over his mouth, "'re starting to sound just like your mother."

She couldn't help herself, she laughed. He was being as dramatic as usual. She shook her head. "You're too much!"

Hany tsked, "What do you mean she's starting to sound like me? Why do you say that as if it's a bad thing?"

He grinned again, "It means she's growing up to be mean."

Angel and Hany both raised a brow before shooing him out the door, "Get out, you big idiot!" They said in unison.

He laughed before leaving them be, shaking his head as he went.

Hany laughed, "Your father is an idiot, don't listen to a word he says." Angel smiled at her mother. She and her sister had taken much of her coloring, they did not look mulatto in the least.

They both had soft cocoa colored brown skin. They were, though, blessed with gorgeously long curly hair that refused to be tamed. Angel, unlike her twin Lafayette, kept her hair pressed, refusing to let it over power her.

And though Angel and Lafayette were identical twins they, weirdly enough, had different eye colors. Lafayette's eyes were a glorious brown that Angel sometimes envied. While Angel's right eye was dark brown, almost black, and her left eye a dull misty blue.

Angel's left eye was the result of blindness. At a young age she had suffered the inability to see out of it. She had grown used to the darkness that came with her dead eye. But the people around her were always amazed by the differences.

"Angel?" Her mother called, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She blinked, "Yes, I'm sorry, I was out of it again wasn't I?"

Her mother smiled, "You've always been a big daydreamer."

She merely grinned at that remark. She was a big daydreamer and she always had been. It was a habit that she couldn't truly seem to break. She shrugged.

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