"I really suggest you leave, Ariadne."

I rolled my eyes again, picking up my book, and walking over to somewhere else. I heard him mutter something under his breath after I left, but chose better to ignore it.

I started thinking about before I passed out; how I heard Cole saying stuff in Greek. I don't know what or who he is, but it shocked me to find my savior, a stalker. He texted me the other night, which absolutely made no sense. If he is my stalker, he could have admitted it yesterday, when Jessie went to do his brotherly duties.

I sighed just thinking about it. Then, it suddenly struck me. Cole didn't need to boss me around, no one does. Cole is just a bossy, stalker. I turned around, looking through the trees, seeing the shore view. I stomped over to the beach, looking around for my Greek stalker.

"Cole!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth. "Cole!" I shouted again.

I looked over to the waves crashing at the shore. They weren't to big, since it was such a large creek. I smirked as I found ripples in the water. I walked to the dock, looking in the water, in search for a probably naked teenage boy.

"Cole! I want to talk to you!" I yelled at the water. He probably wasn't even there, but i kept persistent.

"Ariadne! You have to leave- right now!" i heard Cole shout from behind me.

"Put your clothes on, I need to talk with you.... oh- oh my god!" I screamed. I shrieked, and fell in to the water... again.

It wasn't that he was naked. It wasn't the problem. He wasn't; I felt the same familiar strong arms wrap around me, and I was lifted for air.

"Aria, let me explain..." He muttered as he placed me on the dock, coughing and gagging my brains out. No one ever called me Aria before.

"NO! Your crazy!" I screamed, struggling to stand up.

Cole swam around the water, giving me desperate eyes. He had a long blue, scaly tale. The tale faded as it led up to his torso. I started to hyperventilate, seeing this could all easily be a dream.

"Ariadne.... are you okay?" he asked, concern dripping in his voice. The real question is, is he okay? I have heard of mermaid syndrome, but they have a tale out of water. It made absolutely no sense. "Ariadne," he sighed, placing a wet hand on my arm.

"This-this isn't real," I stuttered. I bit my lip, pinching myself a little on my right arm. I released shaky breath, noticing Cole still looking at me with worry.

"I'm-I am so sorry, Ariadne... I didn't mean for you to find out like this... I am truly sorry." Cole apologized. I sucked in another deer breath, wrapping my arms around my body.

"It isn't real. its just a dream." I whispered to myself.

"That's what you think." Cole murmured, and dipped all the way under water.

"Ariadne!" Jessie called behind me. I twisted around, as he wrapped a towel around me. "What trouble did you get in to now?"

"I-I saw a..." i paused before thinking what I was going to say. Jessie is going to think I'm crazy if i tell him the truth. "I saw a hurt bird. I went to go help it, but i slipped and fell in." I lied.

"Hold on, I'm going to get another towel." He said.

As he ran off, Cole peeked his head above the water. He pursed his lips, probably thinking how funny it would be if i told everyone i saw a mermaid.

"Please don't tell anyone.... please?" He begged me. I looked down at my wet, wrinkly clothes. "I promise- I'll do anything- just don't tell anyone."

"Yeah, sure. Like I'm going to tell the world i saw a mermaid-"

"Merman." he corrected.

"Merman. Whatever. I am not going to be one of those lunatic psycos who go around telling myths. You aren't real." I explained. He sighed.

"I will let you believe what you wish. Just don't tell anyone, Kay?" He demanded. I rolled my eyes, and he went back under the water.


There ya go!

i gave you some mythical action.

I heard some people crushing on the cover- trust me, he is pretty hot. So what did you guys think?

Vote, comment, fan girl(or boy) over me and cole.

-chesire cat

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