Part 5 - I Will Always Protect You!

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Blue spend the walk to the bridge in her own bubble of sadness. Thinking about how Naruto would handle everything, wondering if anyone would be hurt.
Blue barely sensed someone's chakra as she was hit in the head and knocked out.
As Blue woke up, she rubbed her head. She checked her surrounding and fear overwhelmed her. Naruto and Sasuke were fighting Haku, and Kakashi was fighting Zabuza. Blue saw the problem. Naruto amd Sasuke were stuck in Haku's jutsu.
'If I destroy the jutsu, Haku will be hurt.
But, if I just stand here, Naruto and Sasuke will be hurt.
I promised Papa, I promised Shina, I promised Itachi.
That I would protect those two.'
It didn't take much thought, as she ran into the trap the two were stuck in.
"Sis!" Naruto yelled.
"Idiot. Now we're all trapped here." Sasuke shouted.
Blue watched as she shook with fear as the three kept attacking.
"Blue, forgive me." Haku said.
He aimed his attack for Naruto, however, Sasuke jumped in front of him. Blue used her 11 tails chakra to speed her up and take the attack.
Everyone was silent as Blue fell to the ground.
Haku stood frozen as Naruto and Sasuke went to her side.
"Blue. Blue!" They shouted.
"I'll be fine." She whispered.
"You're bleeding like mad!"
It was true, Blue had never been hurt this badly. But, not even Blue understood how strong her self healing was. She would more than likely lose consciousness however.
She decided it was time to tell them.
"Naruto. Sasuke."
"Just like you, Naruto, have the 9 tailed beast inside you, I have a monster inside me."
"You have that power too?" Naruto asked.
"Well, no. Rather, I am the same as the 9 tailed beast. I am the 11 Tails, Wolf of Darkness."
Neither Sasuke or Naruto knew what to say.
She looked at Sasuke, blood coming out of her mouth.
"You must not kill Itachi, Sasuke. I - I wasn't suppossed to- But. But! Please, please don't-"
"What the hell are you talking about idiot?" Sasuke yelled.
It was no use, huh.
"Naruto. Sasuke. I will always protect you." Blue said just barely audible.
And her eyes closed.
Naruto and Sasuke stood up and charged towards Haku.
But Haku sent them flying out of anger.
Haku walked towards Blue and placed his hand atop of hers.
A single tear fell from his face to hers.
"I hope we can meet again, Nee San.
For you seem to truly understand,
That this world,
Is cruel."
He walked away and looked up to the sky.
"I don't want to live in a world without your smile."
Haku sensed Zabuza was in danger, and decided it was time.
He looked back at Blue one last time.
"I...I understand what love is. Love is what I feel for you and Zabuza San. I love you Blue. I really do.
This is goodbye."
As Blue awakened, she saw Sasuke standing over near the edge of the bridge, and Naruto holding her hand as he kneeled over her.
'So this is the extent of my healing powers, huh.'
But, something was wrong.
Very wrong.
Blue regained her voice.
"" She whispered.
Naruto and Sasuke nearly fainted.
"Blue, you're alive!"
But, she ignored the two.
She stood up and looked around.
She wished she hadn't.
She saw a flash of lightning as Haku fell to the ground, lifeless.
Blue ran as fast as she could.
She caught him.
"Haku!...Haku! HAKU!" She shouted.
As the light left his eyes, he muttered a name.
Not this again.
This feeling.
Of emptiness.
As Blue held yet another loved one in her arms as they went cold. As they died in her arms.
Yet she would not cry.
She would never cry.
She never had.
She didn't send a single tear for Kushina, Minato, Rin, Shisui, and Mikoto.
For the day she cries,
will be the day that she becomes weak.
Crying will be the end of Blue.
It was over. Zabuza had killed the man against the construction of the bridge, and died beside Haku. Blue let the past minutes go by in her head.
She was holding a lifeless Haku, when Zabuza went up to her and told her something that broke her even more,
"He loved you. He always talked about the girl who saved his life. A girl with blue hair and a heart bigger than any other."
A heart, huh?
Why can't this stupid heart just stop beating?
Why can't I just die with them?
Blue gave Zabuza her sword so he could kill the ones who insulted Haku.
Returning the blade to her, he fell beside Haku. In his last breaths, he wished to be with Haku after death, for he loved him.
She closed his lifeless eyes, which had no shine or light to him.
Blue decided she would bury them together near the sea.
Haku did love the view after all.
Kakashi suggested that they turn their bodies in, for they head bounties on their heads.
But Blue would not have that.
"Nee Chan, it's time to go." Naruto whined.
"I want to go back and go to Ichiraku!"
Blue stayed silent.
He just didn't understand.
Turning around, she smiled toward her brother.
Rummaging through her pockets, she took out some money and handed it to him.
It was her share of the mission's money.
How could she accept that?
Had they never gone on this mission, Haku wouldn't be-
"Here, Naruto!" She faked a smile and patted his head. "This should be enough for a week's worth of Ramen!" Naruto smiled up at her. Blue continued, "So, just go on ahead, and I'll meet up with you.."
Naruto ran off but Sasuke stayed.
"What are you thinking right now?" Sasuke asked.
"Why do you care?" Blue spat.
Sasuke waited for Blue to talk.
"I'm thinking about how it's wrong to feel this way. Caring too much. I cared too much and look what happened. I couldn't protect you and Naruto. And then, Haku died. I should be angry, disappointed. Yet I'm sad. What's wrong with me, Sasuke?" She yelled the last part.
For the first time since her death, Sasuke talked about his mother. For thos first time since her death, he didn't blame Blue, he wanted to help her.
What affect was Naruto having on him?
"Ma used to always tell you...that, feelings aren't right, nor are they wrong.
Feelings just are. They just are, Blue."
Blue's eyes widened.
And she smiled.
But Sasuke wouldn't stay this way for much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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