Part 15

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Marron P.O.V:

He sat looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"You can tell me you know" He said, putting his hand on top of mine.

I looked down at his hand then back up at him and sighed. "The other half of me is Shape shifter"

"What like a werewolf?" He asked, moving his hand away.

My hand tingled in response of his touch and I moved my hand back under my chin. "No, nothing like those horrible things"

"Explain then" He smiled. Just as the waitress came back with pizza.

I hadn’t realised how close we had been until we moved away to let the waitress but down our pizza's, still smiling.

"Thanks" I smiled back at her and started eating the greasy pizza, it tasted so good.

"So" Harrison said, picking up a knife and fork to cut the slice of pizza into bite size and eating it like he was with the queen.

"So what?" I asked as I finished the first bit slice.

"Explain about this shape shifting thing" he said in a whisper so no one around us could hear.

i sighed. "It just means that I can change into diffrent animals when ever I want"

"That’s pretty cool" he smiled.

I shrugged. "It has its moments"

Harrison P.O.V:

I couldn’t believe how cool she was!

Not only was she hot but she's totally, awsomely super natural.

"You not going to eat that proberly?" she asked me as she'd already gone through half the pizza.

"I am" I said, confused

"Using a knife and fork?" He said, raising one perfect eye brow.

"Its called manners" I smiled.

"Let me guess, your mom?" She asked,

I nodded silently.

"Well she's not here, so chill out" she smiled, her hand brushing mine as she took the knife and fork off me.

I sighed and picked up the greasy pizza and she smiled at me, going back to her own.

She ate all her pizza and the quarter of mine that I couldn’t finish.

The waitress handed me the bill and I handed her the money and a tip.

"I could have payed for my half" She said as we left the pizza restaurant.

"I asked you out so I payed" I said, it was weird that she offered to pay, normally girls expected there date to pay.

"What now?" She asked, smiling as we walked away from where the car was.

I smiled at her. "Whatever you want to do, I'm totally cool with what ever you want"

We walked round the town, going past all the shut shops.

As we turned the corner I saw the last thing I wanted to see.

My mum was walking meaningfully down the path.

I pulled on Marrons arm.

"What?" She asked.

"My mums coming, we need to hide, now" I said in a whisper, hearing the click of my mums shoes as she got closer.

"Down there" She said, pointing to a small alleyway across the road.

I ran with her into the alleyway and I heard my mum call my name.

"Harrison!" She shouted. "I know your there"

She was coming straight the alleyway.

I saw a little door way in the shadow and pushed Marron into it, moving to stand in front of her as my mum walked past, obviously looking for me.

As soon as my mum left I realised that I had squished Marron against the door and I could feel every curve of her body pushed against mine.

Marron P.O.V:

He pushed me into the small shadow of a door way and his body pressed against mine, I could feel every muscle of him against me and I fought the urge to move against him as his mum walked past quickly.

When he realised that he was against me I felt his muscles tense and a bulge in his pants slowly grow.

Before he could move away I put my lips on his.

at first he was too shocked to do anything but then, slowly and hesitantly, his lips started moving against mine.

His arms slowly went round my waist and I put my arms around his neck, opening my mouth to slide my tongue in.

He opened his mouth to allow me access, his tongue meeting mine.

It was like there was nothing else in the world apart from me and Harrison, his body tight against mine. his hands slowly moving

down my waist to rest on my hips.

I smiled and pulled away. "Out of ten" I said, breathlessly. "You’re definitely nine and a half"

He smiled and moved away from me, letting me get out of the cramped door way.

"My mum is going to give me some shit when I get home tonight" He said as we walked cautiously back to the car. "You sure you can’t come around and use your wizard powers against her?"

I laughed as we got into the car. "I'm not getting involved"

The Slut and The Golden Boy [ROUGHLY EDITED. WAS WRITTEN 3-4 YEARS AGO. BY TESS]Where stories live. Discover now