Part 7

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Harrison P.O.V:

"Mama!" I shouted when I got in from walking home, the fresh air clearing my head from stupid fantasies where a girl like Marron would actually like me.

"In the kitchen sweetie" My mama called and I walked in. Avil was sitting on the floor playing on with building blocks and I smiled at her, picking her up.

"Good day?" mama asked as I balanced Avil on my side, smiling down at her, playing with her little blonde curls.

"Okay, met one of the girls from the new club down the road" I said, not looking up at mama.

I knew I'd said something wrong when a plate smashed on the floor.

"You are not to hang around with those people Harrison, there all devils, your farther would be turning in his grave if he found out" She practically shouted.

This is what you have to deal with when both your parents are into the whole religion thing, its nothing but shit.

"She wasn’t actually that bad" I said, waiting for the shouting.

"Probably one of those whores Harrison, ready to steal your money at the slightest chance" She said, starting to clear up the mess from the broken plate.

I decided that now was probably the best time to escape. "I'm going upstairs to do homework, Avil can come help me."

My mum nodded approvingly. "And pray for lords forgiveness, no son of mine will be seen dead with one of those things" She almost spat out.

Definitely time to leave.

I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs to my room, shutting the door behind me and putting Avil on the bed.

I flopped next to her.

Maybe I could just ask Marron out for dinner one night, she seemed to like her food and I didn’t see anyone else queuing to show her around town.

I sighed. This really sucked.

The Slut and The Golden Boy [ROUGHLY EDITED. WAS WRITTEN 3-4 YEARS AGO. BY TESS]Where stories live. Discover now