Part 9

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Harrison P.O.V:

I sat in my car and waited for it to get a bit later before I went into school.

I'd promised myself that today I would just ask Marron to check out the local pizza place. It wouldn’t count it as a date unless she wanted it to.

I saw the hearse pull up which surprised me, my car was the only other car in the parking lot because it had only just turned eight and there was still half an hour until the first bell went.

All the other students left it to the last minute before coming to school but honestly, if it got me away from my mum, I didn’t care how long I had to sit in my car and doodle in my note book, not realising until I looked down that I was writing Marrons name over and over again.


I quickly shut the notebook just as there was a knock on my window.

I opened my door and got out.

"Morning" She smiled.

I couldn’t look at her smile for long though.

She was wearing a short black mini skirt, showing her amazing long legs and a tight black tee that hinted at how amazing her boobs were underneath.

She had on black lipstick and darker make up, white powder on her face and neck.

I couldn’t stop starting at how beautiful she was.

Marron P.O.V:

He was just staring at me, not saying anything and I didn’t know weather it was a good thing or a bad thing.

With another guy it was easy to tell what they were thinking but with Harrison I wasn’t sure.

"What did you do last night then?" I asked.

He seemed to shake himself before looking down at his hands. "Nothing much really, you?"

I was stuck again. Of course I could be honest. 'I screwed your friend’s brains out and stole fifty dollars while he was sleeping' yeah, that was a way to get a guy to like you – not.

"Hung out at the club with Hexas, cant wait till you come on Friday night, its going to be so much fun, you can meet the vampires and everything." I smiled.

"I heard rumours that there were vampires there." He smiled. "Are they as cool as books make them out to be?"

"Stuck up creatures that only enjoy two things, sex and drinking blood. I dint think they put that in books." I smiled at him.

He smiled back, making me go weak in the knees, how could a guy be that hot and not have confidence through the roof?

We stood in silence for a minute before he cleared his throat to speak, I looked up at him.

"So I was wondering, if you weren’t doing anything tonight, if you wanted to check out the town with me, I could show you around a bit?" He said, looking down at his hands.

Oh, my, god. He was asking me out! And it had nothing with him wanting to have sex with me.

I smiled up at him. "That would be nice; you want me to stop by your house?"

"No." He said quickly. "Probably not the best idea, especially if my mums there."

"Why?" I asked, leaning next to him on his car.

"She is big on the whole religion thing, she doesn’t agree with the freak show." He said.

My arm was just on his and I could feel the muscle through his shirt. He must really work out!

"I hate when people judge us before they even know the freak show," I said crossing my arms over my chest. “We’re not all about the sex and stealing."

Okay, so that was a lie, but he didn’t really need to know that.

"You don’t think I judge you, do you?" He asked quietly.

I looked up at him to see he was looking down at me.

The moment was ruined by the honking of the horn and I recognized Lewis's car.

"Hey" Lewis called as he got out the car. "You alright?"

He stood in front of me, obviously getting the message that at school I was not a girlfriend or anything else.

"Fine" I smiled at him.

I felt Harrison push himself off the car and he walked away. "You coming?" He called over his shoulder.

"Sure" I smiled. "Bye Lewis"

As I walked past him I made sure my hand brushed over his crotch.

I court up with Harrison and we walked silently to his locker, where he got out all his books.

"You mind if I dump this in your locker?" I asked, holding up a ton of books.

"Go for it" He said.

I flashed him a quick smile before neatly putting my stuff next to his, keeping out the books I'd need for the first two lessons before break.

I shut his locker my hand brushed his, sending a jolt of lightening up my arm.

He quickly moved his hand away as I bit my lip, trying to keep from smiling.

The Slut and The Golden Boy [ROUGHLY EDITED. WAS WRITTEN 3-4 YEARS AGO. BY TESS]Where stories live. Discover now