Chapter 31

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I had just gotten done shooting my music video, and was getting dressed. I had been sort of out of it all day, and everyone was starting to worry. I didn't think it was anything to worry about though, I was just confused. 

We had our flight back to Cleveland as soon as the video was done, so I grabbed my bags and walked out to the car. I got in the backseat in between the car seats. Once we got to the airport and got on the plane, I went to sleep until we had landed. I was happy to be home, and even happier that that the tour would be over soon, which meant the boys would be coming home. But Jess said that we'd have less time together since I was releasing an album next month, which meant a tour shortly after. I wasn't ready for my own tour after just going on for Colson once in a while, but I wasn't gonna say anything. I knew I had to get used to it. The boys were coming home this weekend, so I decided to clean up around the house, even though there was no point to it. The boys would have it a mess again an hour after they got back.

Me and Kenzie were on our way home from the mall. We went shopping for ourselves and we had gotten some stuff for the boys. We waited until we knew they'd be home to leave the mall. We walked in the house and tripped over the bags in the foyer. I noticed that it was Slim's bag.

"Slim!" I heard the laughing in the kitchen stop.

"Sounds like you're in trouble." Dub joked. When I Kenzie heard Dub's voice I saw her face light up. She played along though.

"Both of you, get your asses in here!" she yelled. They walked in with their heads down trying not to laugh. They stopped in front of us and looked up.

"You know we tripped over all your shit trying to walk in the front door, right?"

"So?" Slim asked.

"SO, if you don't pick your shit up, it's going for a swim out in the pool." Kenzie smirked, reaching for Dub's bag.

"You two wouldn't."

"Watch us." we grabbed their bags and ran for the back door, passing everyone else while we ran through. Just before I made it to the pool two arms pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going with my bag?" Colsonn whispered in my ear.

"I thought your clothes might need to be washed. They were just gonna go in the pool for a while." I tried not to laugh.

"Well, you seem like you wanna go swimming too." With that, he picked me up and walked over to the pool, throwing me in. The pool water was freezing cold, which had me out in seconds. When I got out I saw Kenzie was laughing at me, so walked over and gave her a big hug. I looked at Slim, him knowing what to do. I let him push me in the pool with Kenzie.

"I officially hate you two!" she climbed out of the pool and went over to Dub. I followed her getting out but ran over to Colson.

"I missed you baby." I whispered.

"I missed you too. But we have some time to just hang out and catch up." I smiled up at him, forgetting that I was ever upset back in New York. We all hung out all day and sat out by the pool for most of the day.

Me and Colson were upstairs in our room watching MTV, when he turned the TV off. I looked at him confused.

"I watched your interview.."

"Oh, so you know what she asked me?"

"About getting married?"


"I'm not mad or anything, I don't blame you. I know I need to calm down before I make a commitment like that."

"Yeah, and we both should be ready."

What It Seems (MGK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن