Chapter 24

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We were at the airport, getting ready to get on the plane. I was shaking a lot, not really ready to go back. Slim had to practically carry me on the plane. Once we got on the plane, Kenzie pulled me to sit by her, making sure I got the window seat like I asked. I never really liked planes, so that was part of the reason I was so nervous.

"Are you okay?" Kenzie asked me, looking worried. 

"I will be. Once we get off this plane.."

"Okay. Just let me or Dub know if there's anything you need." she said and put her headphones in. I couldn't sleep. I haven't slept since last night, when I woke up screaming. I heard my phone in my bag. I got it as fast as I could, so it wouldn't bother anyone. It was Slim.

Hey, you should get some sleep. 

I can't. Not after I had that dream...

It was about him. I know it was.

How could you possibly know that?

You weren't just screaming. You were screaming his name in your sleep before you woke up.

I didn't text him back after that. I turned my phone off, and looked out the window. I was ready to go home,  but the closer we got to home, the less ready I was to see him. I missed him, but I didn't know what to expect when we got home. I closed my eyes, figuring Slim was right. I needed sleep.

When I woke up, the plane had landed. We walked in the airport and Ash and Slim went to go get our bags. I sat down, not able to walk anymore.

"Hey Ash, who's picking us up?" I said when she came back over to us.

"Tasha. Casie wanted to see you and Colson won't answer his phone again." she said looking down.

"Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting. Lets go." we walked over to where Tasha was waiting. As soon as Casie saw me she ran over.

"I missed you! Are you okay? I heard about your accident."

"I'm okay now. I feel much better." I smiled and hugged her.

"Where's daddy?" I looked over at Tasha.

"He's working sweetie. You'll see him soon." she answered, since I didn't know what to say. We went out to the car and loaded the stuff in. I sat in the front with Tasha so I could talk to her.

" talked to him...?"

"Yeah...he sounds terrible. He told me everything that happened, so I wouldn't be confused when you all got back and he wasn't with you..."

"Is he at the house...?"

"I can't tell you. He wouldn't even tell me where he is. But that was last night. He called me, he sounded worried and scared. I just hope he didn't do anything stupid..."

"That makes two of us..." the rest of the car ride was silent. She dropped us off at the house where my parents met all of us with the babies. I walked up to the door, unable to open it. Kenzie came up the stairs and opened the door, carrying Allie.

"Come on. Slim and Tasha said he might have himself hidden somewhere in the house." we put the babies in the living room and started looking. I went to the first place I knew he might be at. I walked down the stairs to the basement, preparing myself in case he was down here. I opened the door that went to the studio, not surprised when I didn't find him. I walked back upstairs and found everyone in the living room, silent.

"He's not here...?"

"He might have got nervous. He might need more time sweetie."

"I need to go lay down..." I ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door. I looked around the room. He had definitely been here. The room had his clothes all over it. I went over to the door, which opened up to the balcony. I stood there, looking out at the city. I looked over towards where the old house was. I missed that old house sometimes. I suddenly got an idea. I ran downstairs, looking for one of the boys. I found Dre first.

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