Chapter 19

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“Oh shit.” I heard Ash behind me. It was a lot worse than I was thinking.

“We should split up and look for the boys. Who knows where they ended up.” Kenzie practically fell up the stairs as she talked. Just then, Dub and Dre came stumbling down the stairs, holding on to each other.

“Did our rager enjoy her birthday last night?” Dre laughed when he saw how hungover I was. I had to go sit on the stairs because I felt so bad.

“What I remember of it…”

“Well, we have to clean. Your moms bringing the babies back in a couple of hours” Ash said, pulling me off the stairs. We made it around the house, waking the boys up as we went along. We found Colson and Slim in the backyard. I haven’t been in the backyard since we moved in, so I had almost completely forgotten we even had a pool. Slim was on the edge of falling in. I went and nudged him with my foot, accidentally pushing him, pulling Colson with him.

“What the fuck?!” Slim looked at me.

“Get your asses up and help clean.”

“Give us a warmer wake up call next time.”

“It can’t be that cold.” I teased Colson.

“You wanna find out?” he smirked and started chasing me. I ran into Dub who stopped me until Colson caught up to me.

“She’s all yours.” he laughed and pushed me into his arms. Colson picked me up and threw me in the pool, everyone following me.

“Asshole.” I said, pretending to be mad. He tried to catch me but I was too fast for him to catch up to.

“How the fuck do you swim so fast?”

“Oh, I used to be on the schools swim team. No big deal.”

“Did you run track too? You’re the only person I’ve seen outrun Kells, besides me.” Slim smirked.

“Actually I did. And I can run faster than you any day.”

“Wanna bet?”

“Don’t you wanna keep your money though?” everyone started laughing. “End of the street?” I suggested.

“You’re on.” we sprinted for the gate. Once we got out of the backyard, we kept running into each other as we tried to get ahead. I ended up winning, after “accidentally” tripping him.

“Damn girl…” Slim said out of breath. “Okay, what do I gotta do?”

“Clean the WHOLE backyard, and whatever mess is left in the house.” I said as I walked back to the house.

“Damn. Y’all about to help me?” he asked the boys.

“Sorry dude. We don’t get our asses kicked by girls.” Rookie laughed.

“You lost Slim. Get your ass back there and clean.” I pushed him in the backyard. Me and the boys followed and went in the house. I went upstairs to find Colson sitting in our room with the babies. My mmom must’ve dropped them off while I was beating Slim. I smiled as I watched him with the babies. 

“This has to be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Shit you scared me. How long have you been there?”

“I just came upstairs.”

“Well, come here. We miss you.” he smiled.

“I miss you guys too.” I walked over and hugged him. “Colson, how hard is it gonna be?”

“Really fucking hard. And when your parents skype you with the babies, it’ll really get to you. I hate it. But it’s something we have to do right now.”

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