Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning, forgetting about my plans for the day until I checked my phone. 3 missed calls and 1 text from Kells.

Call me when you wake up :) 

I decided to call Kenzie first to tell her the plans since I haven’t talked to her since last night.

“Hello…?” she answered, still half asleep.

“Hey. We have plans. Wake up and get ready to go to Cleveland. I’m having my mom take me to your house. Then Kells is picking us from there.” I explained. She woke up immediately. 

“What are you waiting for?! YOU go get ready!” She screamed in the phone. I said bye and hung up. I got a shower before I called Kells back. I picked out a neon pink front tie shirt with a black tank top,  black skinny jeans, and my chucks. I straightened my hair and put some eyeliner on. When I was done getting ready, I called Kells while I waited for my mom to get ready.

“Hey, what’s up?” he said when he answered the phone.

“Hey, I called Kenzie earlier, and I’m just waiting for my mom to get ready. We still on for today?” I asked.

“Of course. Just text me when y’all are ready with her address. I still gotta get my ass outta bed.” he laughed.

“Okay, well I’ll see you later.” I said before I hung up.

My mom was done about 10 minutes after I got off the phone. As soon as we pulled up to Kenzie’s house she ran outside. I got out of the car and walked up to the porch.

“When did you two make plans?! And when were you gonna tell me?” She asked as soon as I got on the porch. We went up to her room so we could talk without being bothered.

“He called me last night and asked if I wanted to go to Cleveland. I said yeah, of course, and then said he should just pick me up here. Try and make sure my dad doesn’t find out though.” I warned. If he found out, I wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house.

“I know. Leave anything that has to do with music out of conversations with your dad.” she joked. “So, when are we going?”

“He said to text him with your address when we’re ready. You ready?”

“Duh! Why wouldn’t I be?!” she said excitedly. I texted him and he told us he’d be at her house soon. After 20 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Kenzie almost fell off her bed to go answer it.

“SKY! GET DOWN HERE!” She screamed up the stairs.

I went downstairs to see no one by the door anymore. I walked through the house until I found them in the living room, watching Ridiculousness. Mine and Kenzie’s favorite show.

I sat down next to Kells and he gave me a hug. I smiled when he gave me a hug, I don’t know why, but I loved his hugs. 

“Y’all ready to go?” he asked us. We nodded as we watched the last minute of the show. Kenzie went to tell her mom we were leaving. On the car ride Kenzie was quiet in the back as she watched us in the front.

“So, what do you have planned for us today?” I asked.

“Well, go in the studio of course. But while it’s nice out, we should go just hang out around the city. Go walk around.”

“That sounds just fine.” I smiled and looked at him. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. 

When we pulled up to their house, we were greeted by Slim, Dubo, and Ashleigh. 

“There she is!” Slim said as he walked over to give me a hug. “You killed it at the talent show last night!” I smiled. I guess I did do pretty good. Kenzie had went over to talk to Dubo. They had been looking at each other non-stop since we got here.

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