Chapter 1: Cold as Winter

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I was sitting in bed, making sure the whole house was quite. When, at last, everything was still, I walked down the stairs, and out the door, making sure to be absolutely silent. I walked a quarter mile, then turned a corner, heading towards the Riverdale Pub. When I opened the door, I looked around. Empty. Why was the pub empty?

"Spencer!" Someone yells, and I turn and smile.

"Hey Winter. Where is everyone?" I ask, nonchalantly.

"I canceled. I wanted to talk to you one on one." She says, grinning.

I frown, pondering.

"Is this about Thayer?" I ask, looking at the ground.

Winter giggles.

"No. I don't care what my brother does, as long as he stays away from me, which he will, because Light and Dark can't mix." Winter says, winking at me.

I try to smile back, but can't. Why would Winter want to talk to me alone?

"Because I want to know if your having any problems adjusting to the powers. Sometimes people get sick when there powers get restored." She says, answering the question I never asked.

"Did Thayer ever tell you the whole story?" Winter asks, looking me over curiously.

"No." I answer, wondering what she meant.

Winter patted the seat beside her, keeping silent. Once I sat beside her, she spoke.

"This is a long and complicated story, so don't interrupt, O.K?" When I nod my head, she continues.

"A long time ago the population was split in half: mortals and immortals. The immortals were the offspring of arch angels. Some people call them nephilim, but that's a dirty term we don't use anymore. Anyways, the immortals had special powers; they could heal themselves, read minds, and do many other special things. They interacted with the mortals, and there was only one rule: The immortals could only be with other immortals. They did this so the immortal strain would never weaken. For decades, all immortals listened and never broke the rule. But, like all rules, this one was broken. An immortal named Paige fell in love with a mortal man, Dominic. After seeing each other a while, Paige realized she was pregnant. They kept it a secret until they couldn't any longer, and when the immortals found out, they were furious. When the baby was born Paige swore it wasn't Dominic's baby, but the immortals had ways of figuring it out..."

"How?" I interrupted.

"They have blood tests that would tell them whose blood is in a body. We still use that test today." Winter smiled wickedly, then continued with the story.

"So they did the test, and found out that Paige had lied, so to get back at her, they killed Dominic. This saddened Paige, but it infuriated the mortals. It made them so mad, they went into battle against us. And, as you know, there's only one way for an immortal to die: In battle. The immortals were out numbered, and almost all of the were murdered. It is estimated forty immortals survived the attack. We are the children of the remaining immortals. And among those forty: Paige's daughter, Meltrix." Winter said the last line quietly, sending chills down my back.

"In 1930 The Pact was established, a group made up wholey of the children of the remaining immortals."

"Wait." I said, holding up my hand.

"How did the makers of The Pact know who was immortal and who wasn't?" And how did Thayer know I was immortal? I asked myself.

"Thayer is apart of a very small group of what we call Watchers. They can tell, just by looking at some, if they are immortal. That's how they found more members, and how, eventually, Thayer found you."

 "Where there always two sides? Or did Light and Dark just happen?" I ask, knowing I'm treading on thin ice.

"Around 1940 the founders realized that some of there members differed on what we should do with our powers. Some wanted to use it to do good, and others, to harm others and wreck havoc. So, the council decided the "Dark" members would have to create there own group. It wasn't long after that that they realized something about the Light and Dark members. Neither group had a choice on which group they were put in. Then they understood; each immortal is born with either Light or Dark inside of them. It's not a choice, it's destiny." She said coldly, obviously thinking of Thayer.

"Are you happy being Light? Or do you not like the grouping?" I ask, trying to figure all of this out.

Winter stares at me like I'm stupid.

"Spencer. I can't talk to my TWIN BROTHER because of that stupid rule that says Light and Dark can't mix. I mean, who even says that Light is the "good" group? It's all about point of view. And this point of view sucks. Imagine going five years without being able to speak to your siblings, let alone see them. How do you think you'd feel?" Winter snapped, getting off the couch.

"It's just ridiculous! How can someone decide what's best for all of us as a group? Do they know me? Do they know Thayer? No! They have no idea whats going on, and what is in our best interest. They just want to make conflict!" Winter huffs, turning towards me.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to be an idiot. It just came out that way." I say meekly, trying to avert her anger.

She sighs, sinking back into the couch.

"It's not your fault, Spence. I'm just all hyped up." She says, patting my hand.

I stare at her, amazed.


"You called me Spence. No one calls me Spence, except..." I stop, mid sentence, looking away.

"I know. Thayer texted me for the first time in three years to tell me he had found a Light, and at some point he said 'Spence', and it just stuck in my head. Is that O.K.?" She asks, looking for my approval.

"Yeah. Whatever." I say, trying not to show exactly how much it matters.

“So, what did you want to learn tonight?” Winter asks, smiling.

I look at my watch. Midnight.

“I’d love to stay, Winter, but I can’t. I have to get up early, first day of school and all...”

“Spencer. Your home schooled. You teach yourself. I think you can sleep in and be late for your first class and your teacher won’t be too upset.” Winter says, smirking.

I laugh, wondering how I had forgotten just how funny Winter was.

“I am now teaching Arianna, Caine, Brine, and Bryce. So I actually do have to be there on time, or it sets a bad example for them. I want them to learn responsibility, and they won’t if I don’t show them how. But, I can come by tomorrow around ten, if that works with you?” I say, standing up.

“Yeah, sure. Whenever you want.” Winter said, looking hurt. 

She turned to leave.

"Hey Winter? What's the prophecy?"

Winter stopped dead in her tracks, and turned back to stare at me.

"How do you know about that?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"When Thayer gave me the necklace he said "The prophecy has begun." And I didn't think to ask him about it because it finally hit me that he was leaving and I would never see him again. So, what does it mean?"

Winter looked at me.

"It means your the one." Winter said, speaking so quietly I almost didn't understand her.

"I'm the what?" I ask, confused.

"I can't talk anymore. I have to speak to the council. Come back tomorrow as soon as you can, O.K? This is really important Spencer. Like, bigger than all the immortals put together. It is imperative that you go straight home and stay home tomorrow. I'll send someone to get you when it is safe for you too come." 

"I thought you said to come..." I started.

"I changed my mind!" Winter said, rubbing her forehead.

She left the room, and I went home.

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