"Its not you, well it is you...I just...I'm so confused," Lauren responded, completely exasperated.

"Look you don't have to feel sorry for me, you want to be with Brad, and I understand. I've accepted it and. I'm trying to move on with my life," Camila replied, hoping that she would believe her. The truth was that she wasn't over Lauren and probably wouldn't be for a long time. She fell in love with her soon after she moved back to Miami. They spent so much time together and Camila fell more and more in love with her. She confessed her feelings to her not too long ago, only to be turned down. It was the boldest thing she'd ever done and of course it bit her in the ass. She should have known that Lauren didn't feel the same way, she had been seeing Brad since he had moved home.

"Brad? Brad is a damn idiot," Lauren sighed. "And I don't want to be with him."

"What?" Camila asked, she was shocked. Lauren was always going on and on about how wonderful Brad was, even though they all knew that basically he was a jerk and she deserved so much better than him.

"I was wrong," Lauren said looking into her breathtakingly beautiful brown eyes. "You...its you! And I know that I don't deserve you especially after all that I've put you through."

"Laur..." Camila began but was soon stopped by Lauren's soft delicate finger on her lips.

"Please just let me say this. If I don't, I don't think that I'll ever have the courage to say it again...ever. I can't hide my feelings anymore, I can't deny them. They're there and they've always been there. I can't believe I'm saying this right now... but I've recently learned that you don't know how much time you're going to have and life is such a precious gift. And I've been wasting mine and I've seen what I'm missing out on. And...and I don't want to miss out anymore. There's so much that I want in life, but most important I want to get married, have babies and grow old with the woman I love...with you." Lauren bit her lip in nervous anticipation as she looked to Camila. Maybe she shouldn't have included the part about getting married and especially the part about having her babies...that was coming on a little strong.

"I...I don't know what to say," Camila ran a hand through her hair, it was a good think she was sitting down because she was awfully dizzy.

"I'm so sorry that I just bombarded all of that on you. God, I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry," Lauren replied, she just wanted her to leave if she was going to reject her, that way she wouldn't have to hold back any more tears that were threatening to spill at any moment.

"Lauren," Camila began, trying hard to think of her next words.

"You should just go; you're going to be late for..." This time it was Camila's finger stopping her quick lips.

"Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?" a smirk was appearing on her face.

"Wha..." Before Lauren couldn't even finish a word, Camila's soft plump lips were upon hers and soon they were engaging in the most wonderful and sweet kiss that either had ever experienced. So filled with love and longing, that neither of them wanted to break away. But the need for air became too great, so reluctantly; both pulled away slowly, eyes still connected and foreheads touching.

"You've made me one happy woman, Lauren Jauregui," Camila smiled as she laced their hands together.

"I have?" Lauren questioned, still floating down from cloud nine. "You mean I didn't scare you away?"

Camila shook her head. "Never. I was willing to wait forever for you."

"I don't deserve you," Lauren cried, hoping that the tears wouldn't fall; she'd already made a complete fool out of herself earlier.

its a wonderful life [camren]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara