Act IV

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King Hamlet relaxed under the bows of an old tree in Kronberg's palace gardens. He had just sent out his trusted spy Guildenstern to Wittenberg with orders to rid Prince Hamlet of Estatira and Elizabeth. His son would soon arrive in Elsinore, and Sweden will be secured. As he fell into a light sleep, he felt some sort of liquid sliding into his ear. Turning in discomfort, he opened his eyes to see his brother Claudius. His head started feeling heavy, and he fell backwards with his arms splayed.

"You will never reach the Prince" Claudius declared to him. 

King Hamlet started to feel very warm, and could just barely register the words before his vision distorted. His heartbeat sped up, and his esophagus felt like it was burning. 

"Justice has been served" Claudius announced again, before walking away.

It was then that King Hamlet realized that his own brother had poisoned him. He tried to move his limbs and call out for help, but was paralysed. This is the end he surmised. The King thought of his last actions as a monarch: ordering the death of his daughter in-law and granddaughter. Then he thought of his last actions as a father: destroying his own son's family. Wallowing in regret, the King took his last breath, his conscious thought bleeding into the peace that death offered. 

Hamlet: Tragedy In The Wake of Estatira of PersiaWhere stories live. Discover now