Chapter 16

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Downtown was usually crowded with people during the weekdays. It was three in the afternoon on a Saturday, so I didn't understand the massive amount of people roaming the streets. A tight knot formed in my throat as my heart picked up its pace thinking of Alex's message. I had already shoved two people out of my way trying to get my wobbly legs to rush to the office, silently praying that Alex wouldn't cause a scene in front of my co-workers.

All this time, I'd done a pretty good job of keeping his temper at bay, but since I started working for Nick, things had gotten a little out of control. And it scared the hell out of me.

Thankfully, Nick respected my wishes of going back to the office separately. If Alex saw me walking in with him, all hell would break loose. He wouldn't care where we were or who would bear witness.

I decided to avoid the lobby, opting to go through the garage instead. This way, I would have a few extra minutes to gather myself before facing the storm that awaited me.

I was about five or six steps from the elevator when I noticed a movement from the corner of my eye. Just as I was about to turn my face to see who or what it was, someone grabbed my hair roughly from behind and pulled me against their body.

"You think you're slick. Don't you?"

Shit. My heart felt like it was about to pop out of my chest. I should have seen this coming.

"Alex, what are you doing?" He tugged my hair harder, causing my scalp to ache. "Ouch...let go of're hurting me." I struggled against his grip.

"You thought you could outsmart me, huh?" he growled in my ear. "Thought I wouldn't catch you before you made it upstairs?"

"I always go up through here to avoid the crowd in the lobby. Now can you please stop acting like a crazy person and let go of my hair?"

I should've gone through the lobby. Damn it.

"Don't give me that shit. You know damn well I could go straight to the cops and your mother would be in jail within hours. Is that what you want?"

I felt another hard tug on my hair. Then, letting go of his grip, he shoved me forward.

I turned around to watch Alex pacing back and forth, rage seeping through his pores. Shooting daggers with his piercing eyes, he ran toward me and slammed my back against the wall. He grabbed me by the neck and brought his face to mine. "Have you forgotten our agreement?" he shouted, squeezing tighter, some of his spit landing on my face. "Huh?"

My vision blurred as it became harder to gasp for air. I tried clawing at his hand, but he wouldn't let go. If he didn't release me, I would most likely pass out. My only choice was to do what every woman in this situation would have done.

I brought my knee up to his groin as hard as I could causing him to let go as he bent down, squirming in pain. Slowly, my surroundings came back into focus with the first breath of air that filled my lungs. Grabbing on to the wall for support, I rubbed my neck, soothing the feel of his grip still lingering on my skin. But, I couldn't keep my heart from pounding against my chest. I was terrified. Hurt. Angry. All at the same time.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him, then coughed from the force I used to get the words out my mouth.


The impact of his hand striking my face caused me to stumble back and land on the floor. I placed a hand over my throbbing cheek as tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill over.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you? You obviously don't realize who you're messing with," he screamed back at me, breathing heavily. His face was still twisted in pain from the defense tactic I'd used. "You're gonna pay for that, you fucking bitch."

"What did you expect me to do, asshole? I couldn't even breathe," I barked back, tears streaming down my face. I was shocked. Despite his threats, never did I think he'd get physical with me. Yet, in the past two days he'd managed to push, slap and nearly choke me to death. What would he do next?

My legs felt weak as I pulled myself off the ground, my face still burning from the slap.

"Where the fuck did you go with him, Tara?"

"We went out to lunch with a potential client. I would've told you earlier when I called, but you decided to hang up without letting me finish," I said through my sobs. I couldn't stop myself from shaking.

"That's not what your co-worker made it seem like."

"What?" I turned toward him, surprised by his words. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Tara. Your co-worker, some chick with blue eyes and curly black hair, she said you left for lunch with the boss about three hours ago. And she didn't mention any future clients. So, answer me. What the fuck were you guys doing for that long, Tara?"

No way. Could it have been Melanie? But she wasn't even in the office today.

"I already told you; we were at lunch with a client. I really don't know how to prove it to you, Alex." Slowly, I backed away from him, heading toward the elevator. "Besides, on what grounds do you come to my job and start a scene without any damn proof, especially after you spend the evening with another woman?"

Where, this new found bravery came from was beyond me. But I refused to let him see how much he scared me. He knew damn well, he could manipulate me with his threats. But, he wouldn't revel in the idea that I'd cower away from his violent behavior. I refused to give him that pleasure.

"Stop trying to flip shit on me. And where do you think you're going? We're not done yet." He grabbed me by the arm, forcefully turning me around to face him again.

"I'm not flipping anything around." I pulled my arm back from his grip. "Don't touch me."

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, Tara. The quicker you get that through your head, the better it will be for all of us." He cornered me against the elevator door. "I've been patient with your ass for far too long. I don't need you nor your bullshit. The only reason I haven't gone to the cops yet is to do your stupid ass a favor, but my patience is running out."

"You're right. I'm sorry, Alex." Staring down to my feet, I silently cursed my luck in defeat. This wasn't fair. I hated him. No, I despised him. And to be honest, I didn't know how much longer I could keep up with this pretend life. Somehow, someway I had to devise a plan to leave him without his threats affecting me or my mother. "I have to get back to work. We can continue to discuss this at home if you'd like. But do me a favor, please. Stop threatening me with the past; it's not necessary."

I scrambled to find the elevator button behind me when Alex grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to his.

"Oh, it is not a threat, baby, and you're out of favors. So, if I were you, I'd be very careful not to get all brave again." Then he let me go with a shove just as the elevator doors opened. I stepped in, staring into his eyes until the doors shut.

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