Chapter 18

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Stepping out from the bathroom and into Nick's bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body, I realized I didn't have a clean change of clothes.

Shit. I should have thought of that little detail beforehand.

I turned my gaze to his walk-in closet and slowly stepped toward it, taking a quick look inside. I felt giddy, like I was about to get caught doing something I shouldn't. Nick wasn't in sight. He left me to take a bath alone, but I knew he was just a few feet away, separated from me by a wall. I looked over my shoulder to make sure the bedroom door was still closed, then proceeded to inspect the contents within the space.

Button down after button down lined the walls to the left and pants on the wall to the right, all color coordinated and neatly hung. Organized, like me, I thought, before pulling open a wide drawer, curious to see if I'd find anything interesting, but it was only full of ties.

"Feel free to wear anything you like." I jerked back at the sound of Nick's voice. He was now standing behind me. Turning to meet his gaze, the towel dropped from my body, leaving me completely exposed to him. "Or you can stay like that."

My face must have turned fifty shades of red. My naked body was not a new sight to him, but I was still vulnerable from the events that took place earlier in the day.

I scurried to get the towel off the floor, wrapping it back around my body. I stared into his eyes, the sexy grin on his gorgeous face causing a sudden need to pulsate between my legs.

"Nick...I was j-just..." I couldn't even put simple words together. I was beyond embarrassed to get caught snooping through his belongings. "I don't have extra clothes with me. I was trying to see if you had anything I could wear for the mean time."

"Here, put this on," he said, pulling a white button down from a hanger and handing it to me.

"Thank you again, Nick."

"For what?"

"For everything," I replied, walking out of the closet.

Just as I was about to reach the bathroom door, he was behind me again with his hands on my waist, pulling me against his body. Gently, he smoothed my hair over one shoulder, trailing kisses from my ear down to my exposed neck. Biting gently in between kisses, he whispered, "Dinner is ready. I'll wait for you at the table. Don't be long." And just like that, he left the room.

It took me a moment to catch my breath and gather myself from the way his touch made me feel. Needless to say, I felt the wetness between my legs. Hurriedly, I dried myself and fumbled with the buttons of the shirt to get it on as quickly as possible. I didn't know what it was in his tone, but there was something alluring about it. It almost made me want to heed to his every demand.

I brushed my hair, making sure I looked somewhat presentable in nothing but his shirt, and went to the dining area where he was standing, flashing me with his signature grin. I couldn't help but feel a tug in my heart at the sight of him.

He wore black slacks, which hung low on his waist and a grey tank top, exposing the ink covering his entire arm. It felt like a dream. A professional man with a little bad boy streak and a dose of sexy added to that.

He was perfection.

"Take a seat, Tara," he ordered, pointing to a chair as he sat down in the one directly across from it. "I hope you like steak."

"I love steak," I admitted, pulling out the chair.

It felt awkward to be wearing his shirt. And even worse, that I had nothing on underneath. Making a quick mental note to start carrying an extra pair of panties in my purse from now on, I took my first bite of the steak.


"Oh, my God, this is to die for, Nick," I confessed, taking another bite. Being that it was my first meal of the day, I hadn't realized how hungry I was.

"I'm glad you like it."

We ate in silence, locking eyes with each other from time to time. I wondered what Alex was doing. If he had even attempted to look for me. I sent him a quick text before taking a bath, informing him I would stay at Brittany's house for the night. I'm sure it drove him nuts and he probably called her a thousand times, but I let her know what had happened so she'd know what to expect. After that, Nick took my phone and shut it off, saying it would only upset and stress me out more. He was right, but I couldn't stop worrying that Alex might take this opportunity to put his threats into action.

What if he already went to the police? What if they'd be waiting for me at home tomorrow? At least I spoke to my mother and warned her about the situation we were facing. That, in itself, took a huge load off my shoulders.

Nick was clueless as to what awaited me in my near future. If he knew, would he even stay to help see me through it?

It was hard to trust someone after the things Alex put me through. I doubt anyone else could either, if they were in my place. He threatened, manipulated, and scrutinized me every chance he could. It was horrible and I didn't wish it on anyone. Not even my worst enemy.

"So, are you ever going to tell me?" Nick asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Huh? Tell you what?"

"Whatever he has on you? Whatever it is he's using to manipulate you into staying with him?"


"Let me guess. You can't tell me." He stared at me, rubbing a hand on his chin. "You need to come up with a different excuse, Tara. That one is getting kind of old."

"It's not an excuse, Nick. You don't really know me. You don't know the things I've been through."

"Enlighten me."

I had to say something. Anything to get him to drop the subject. But his stoic expression only made me more nervous than I already was. How was I supposed to tell him everything? Covering up a murder was not something people simply bypassed and, much less, sympathized with. No. It was something they reported to the police.

"I need to use the bathroom; be right back."

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