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What the fuck am I doing?

I pondered while I watched her sprawled on my bed, her hair fanning over her face as she hummed in her sleep.

Yesterday was a day I thought would never come. Much less, the way it actually happened.

It all started when I decided to go out for a drink last night. My company had just lost one of its best accounts over to our biggest competitor. My partner had seen it coming all along, but I didn't worry too much since I had faith in the loyalty of our clients.

I was a fucking idiot.

I went to the new local club that opened a few months ago and purchased a bottle for my table in the VIP section, needing to be left alone so I could do some thinking.

After the second drink, my eyes landed on a familiar face. A face I thought I'd never see again.

Well, look what the fucking cat dragged in.

Unable to move my eyes away from her, I remained seated, trying to hide in the dark corner as I watched every step she took.

She was there with a lively woman, sipping her drink while the other one giggled and flirted with the bartender.

I watched intently as they made their way toward some of the couches outside of VIP, which happened to be close to where I was seated.

Moments later, a man approached them and started talking to the woman with the familiar face. From the spot I was sitting at, it seemed like he was asking her to dance. Although I was not close enough to read her lips, from what I could tell, she accepted his proposal.

I figured she would.

Just as she stood up to let him lead the way, she looked over his shoulder and her eyes met mine.

I swear I saw her body go fucking rigid. It was as if she'd seen the ghost of boyfriends past.

Had she recognized me?

Squinting my eyes through the darkness, I caught a better glimpse of her face and realized she was not who I thought at first. Although she did resemble the woman I hated most in this world, this woman was far more beautiful and too naïve looking to be that person.

I shook away the whirlwind of memories that invaded my brain. There were far more important matters I needed to worry about at that moment.

Taking a sip of my whiskey, I looked up, trying to steal a glance at her. She was walking, headed straight in my direction. The closer she got, the more she slowed down her pace, but once she passed me, she kept walking. I watched her until she disappeared through the hallway that led to the ladies' room.

Once she came out of the restroom, she walked past me, again. This time, raising her arms in the air and swaying her hips to the beat of the music like a seductive Goddess. I could see her staring at me from the corner of my eyes, but as soon as I made eye contact, she'd turn her face away. It was obvious she wanted to be noticed by me.

I didn't get it. Who the fuck was this girl? And why was she blatantly trying to get my attention?

I really didn't have time for her or anyone else's shit, so I ignored her the rest of the time, assuming she was just some poor desperate chick trying to get lucky for the night. I was already used to that kind of behavior from women. They were all similar and wanted the same thing—my body, but more importantly, my money. All of them.

I sure wasn't prepared for what happened next.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She stood at my side, her hands on her hips, staring at me with a certain glare in her eye that indicated she was surprised by the encounter.

Fuck. She really did look just like Abigail.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm done with him, Nick, and I'm sorry it took me this long to see that you were right."

I froze at the mention of his name.


It all made sense at that moment. She thought I was him. Thought I was my brother. My identical twin, who'd been fucking dead to me for the past five years. The same one who, apparently, had not cared to mention such an important detail.


"It's over, Nick. There's no more Tara and Alex. I am done with him for good."


Her name kept echoing in my head.



I let out a long breath. I had to act fast.

"How do I know it's over for good?"

Just like that, I continued to reel things out of her, trying to assess her role in my brother's life. Trying to see how I could use this golden ticket to my advantage. It's a good thing we were identical down to the last tee. We even had the same tattoos, which we decided to get when we were younger, so we could fool people.

Once I felt I had enough to go on with, I stood abruptly, grabbing her arm, and led her out of the club with me. She seemed shocked at first. The moment we stepped outside, I had enough of her talking, so I kissed her so she'd shut the fuck up. The kiss must have caused a stir in her since she didn't speak another word the entire ride to my place.

Soon after, we ended up at my condo where I fucked her senseless throughout the entire night.

First, by the window, for my brother's betrayal.

Then, against the wall, for being damn near identical to the woman I despised.

Again, on the kitchen counter, for the way they both fucked me over.

Then some more throughout the house, just for spite.

She was fucking passed out now as I stood there, watching her back rise up and down with each breath she took.

Karma was a bitch and it bit you in the ass when you least expected it. It was very unfortunate for those who happened to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Because when Karma came storming through, it would take down whoever stood in its way.

This was it. Life was finally giving me the opportunity to exact vengeance on the piece of shit who ruined my life. I never thought the day would come when I could finally give him a taste of his own damn medicine. Make him feel every single drop of hurt that I felt by his betrayal.

I kept watching her.

She looked like an angel. An angel sent from above for one purpose and one purpose only.

It was my time to laugh now.

Chance was finally knocking on my door.

This woman, she would be my perfect retribution.

My sweetest revenge.


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