«Mission complete»

Start from the beginning

—"Hello?"— I asked loudly and randomly at the silhouettes in the distance of me, within the fogness they disappeared. I spread my foot cautiously through the dry and rough dirt under my feet, A buzz runs inside my ears, and it slowly turned in to a rough voice. —"Homeworld is not a simple jigger, it is a kingdom that needs to be protected."— a furious voice resounded on my back. I could've sworn it was just standing behind me and yelling nameless topics to my ear. I turn around, hugging myself tighter in fear, only thing that was behind me was the absence of a physical form to accompany the angry voice. It was too loud, the voice kept mixing things up, various topics all at once. It came to a point where more different voices joined in to the conversations. One even sounded a lot like Jasper. I stiff my back and spread my wings, I wrap my torso in them. Now the only sound was the soothing one of the water moving around me. A sigh of relief leaves me. I begin to walk randomly around the place, avoiding the hideous tree-like forms that were around. In the distance, I see Peridot. Her name left my lips in a way that made my water shield burst.
—"Peridot! Thank goodness you're here!"— I reach for her stiff shoulder.
—"Finally you appear! Where the heck were you?"— she hissed, a bit worried. Again a personality shift.
—"Where was I? Where were you? You and the rest of the group left me behind."— I pull my hair in frustration, the silhouettes around us begin to walk around. —"We sounded like repeat buttons calling your name. You were in the limbo."— she crossed her arms, popping her hip out. Her now hazel eyes look at the directions of the unknown scary figures around us. —"What is going on here? You see them as well, right?"— I clenched my fist, she nodds and motions me to walk with her. —"Yes, some say these are the souls of the fallen, still fighting for the key to the other side."— she explains, pointing at a kneeling figure in the far distance. My eyes wander around the foggy place, a few more silhouettes sprinting towards us. Slowly taking its form in to a very realistic gem. I shake Peridot, she looks back and sees this scary scene. The thing launched at us, before it could open its four eyes, I stretch my hand and release some energy, pushing the soul away from us. The form poofed in to dust that spread through the air. —"They're getting upset, we better walk faster."— Peridot ordered. We walked in a faster pace to our unchecked destination. I hope she remembers the way back to the ship.

—"I don't understand why these energies haven't moved on by now. It's been countless decades since this war."— Peridot sighed.

—"Because no one has come here in that period of time to help them and they are desperate for a hand."—

—"Pffttt...well thanks to their stupid war this star system would've been so much bigger than our current star system."— Peridot blushed, the figures that surround us now walk behind us. I take grip of Peridot's upper arm. —"What are you talking about?"— ,The green gem slides off her visors and stretches her hand to the spacy planotoid.

—"Lapis, welcome to the old homeworld."— she grinned. This was amazing, I didn't even know our current homeworld was just a remake of this sad place. —"Well..."— Peridot scoffed proudly, —"Of course this is just one of the planets in the system, there is hundreds of more."—

—"What?"— I gasped.

—"I know right?"—

I quickly let go of Peridot's arm at the sight of the group.—"Jasper!"— we squealed in unison. —"I found it, now let's get out of here."— a faint orange glow that came from inside her cape. I spread my wings once more and follow them to the ship from above them. For now, there was still no sight of the ship. We even got lost. We followed Peridot's instructions ,trusting her GPS on her screen log. She even tried to reach Yellow Pearl but there was no signal available.

I rest over the fogness, I reached high in the grey sky and let out long air. My body was relaxed, my mind was on blank. The ground souls were not going to haunt me, but instead...

A bickering sensation rises on my neck, I squeeze my eyes and scratch it away. But the feeling would increase each time I clawed my nails . I float straight now, I open one of my eyes. And I could not believe it.
The hair, the lips, the wings. I even thought I was looking at a mirror.
An exact shaped Lapis Lazuli infront of me, flapping her wings simultaneously with mine. Her clothes were ripped appart, her face was damaged. It was yet another soul before my eyes. An antique Lapis soul. Now I come to think that there was more of my kind in the war.

What would I do with this information?

The wind blew the image away, the form slowly turning in to dust that spread through the wind.

—"Lapis!"— Aqua called to me from the distance, a bright light behind her. —"Get inside the ship!"— She said in a scolding tone. I rush inside the ship and the gem closes the door behind me. —"What's wrong with you in here?"— she pointed at her head.
—"Mari... There was another Lazuli. I saw it with my own eyes."—, the gem looked at me with disbelief and scoffed. Her eyes widened at my grab on her shoulder. I let go at the realization of my behaviour. I shake my head and kept walking, again the gem scoffed and walked to the meeting room for some reason.
At the time when I had my gaze down, I bumped in to none other than Jasper. An orange Topaz almost falling from her fingers. —"Woah!"— her fingers troppled to catch the gem in her hands tightly once more.
—"Watch where you're going."— she hid the gem inside her cape again. I trace a line on my forhead,—"Sorry, very distracted."— I sighed. She raised one of her eyebrows.
—"Distracted?"— she asked.
—"Did you think the same as I did?"— she bent to my level and whispered to my ear. What the-

—"What were you thinking of?"—

—"Well the same as you possibly. Anybody could conquer colonys so easily with an army of these bad boys."— the orange gem pat her chest where the old gem was hidden. She ran her fingers through her mane and chuckled roughly. —"This old Colony could beat any solar or star system. I have my eye on it."— she winked. I crossed my arms and scanned her completely. A strange expression on my face. —"Are you planing on betraying your Diamond?"— ,she suddenly suffocates my face with her giant hand, it was meant to be a mouth grab but you know...
—"SSHH...I can't do that alone."— she whispered again. Then left me, I just gained one more guilty thought. She just has one of the strongest gems on the Galaxy in her hands. An antique gem that possibly is just as strong as a Diamond. This gem could crush us. A Diamond would kill to have this between her hands.

As far as I know. Only four more antiques. But the thing is-
There's only one of each of them.
What about me?...
I'm the one left, I am supposed to be sitting on Blue Diamond's throne. Yet I am here trapped with these people.
Blue Diamond sent me here because she knows this. Yellow Diamond knows this. They both are selfish beings that want to keep their thrones and dumb authority, they never had a disagreement. They had a plan.
They sent me here to die, because I am more than a rare gem, I am more than a high rank warrior. I am above the Diamonds just like these three fallen gems.
And Jasper just invited me to take over the colony...






Well there you go!

-Lapis and Peridot are at risk of Pearl telling on them.

-There's an old homeworld.

-There was a fisrt ever war.

-Jasper has a plan.

-Lapis is a threat to the Diamonds.

-There is a secret.

You are welcome.


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