Chapter 52 Part One

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   Thank you guys for stopping by and read this story! I really appreciated it. 

Please check out my most recent visualization!

I would like to thank, AlissaHeart  and destinymclovin1228 for commenting on my story. And I also would like to thank Suzuyu,jmoreno2019, and destinymclovin1228 for voting my last chapters. I really appreciated it guys!

Bold and slanted= character's thoughts


[Name]'s POV:

Today I plan to take the kids to the Natural history museum while Sebastian is out. I want Liam and Blake, to learn and connect more to their powers. Each of them has a amazing and unique power. The kids learned how to talk and walk, surprisingly. I couldn't be more proud of them.

" Mama, Li-Li(Liam) is bwulling (bullying) me." Alexander spoke. Yeah I know they know how to speak, but not fully. But hey! I think it is really cute. And Alexander already gave Liam a very cute nick-name.

" Kids, please don't fight, later we are going to the museum!." I exclaimed excitedly.

" Mwommy, (mommy) what Is a muwseum (Museum) ?" Blake asked cutely.

" It's a place where we study different things. And today there are two interesting shows that might interest Liam and Blake." I replied.

" Whut is it!!!" Both Blake and Liam exclaimed.

" It's a surprise." I replied gently.

"Okay." Both of them replied, slightly disappointed. To cheer them up, I gave them a piece of chocolate. Their faces, light up instantly.

***************************** time skipped *******************************

Still [Name]'s POV:

It is currently 2:00 in the afternoon, I am heating the car up in the garage. The kids are currently dressing up in their room. They share rooms, because they are so cute together!

" Mommy, we are ready!" The triplets called out.

" Alright, kids come down to the garage."  The triplets, came down to the garage and tried to climb inside the car. But they were to small to. Blake thought it was a good idea to make vines grow from the floor to the car window.  Blake started to climbed, and surprisingly succeeded.

" I'm impress Blake." I spoke out in awe. The others were also eager to do their own magic, but we really didn't have enough time to waste. So I just carried them and plop them on their car seats.

" Hey no fair mommy! Blakey could use his powers, and how come we couldn't?" Liam and Alexander demanded. I sweat dropped at this.

" Kids don't you want to go to the museum? We don't want to be late for the shows now do we?" I said.

" NO!" The triplets shouted.

After some minutes, we arrived at the museum. It was peaceful, and thankfully there isn't a line at the admission booth. I pay for our tickets and we entered the entrance. The triplets gasp in excitement. "Mommy look!!!" Liam pointed out. He was pointing at this fire dancing illusion. Well he doesn't know it was a illusion yet.

" Lets go to our show!" I exclaimed.

" Yes mommy." They replied. We entered the first show, which talks about the nature and different types of plants. Blake eyes widen as he see all different kinds of plants.

" This is so cool!" Blake screamed. Many people that was in the room chuckled at Blake's adorableness. Blake ran up to a Venus fly-trap and saw the plant ate a fly. " Whoa, mommy the plant ate the bug!" Blake exclaimed.

Alexander and Liam's ears perked up at what Blake said about the plant. " Yes, darling that plant ate the bug!" I exclaimed.

" It is called a Venus fly trap." I spoke out. Then a man came up with a uniform and asked Blake if he wanted to keep one of the plants. Of course Blake agreed immediately, he was so in love with the plant.

" That is so cool bro!" Liam exclaimed.

" I know." Blake replied sassily.

" Hey I was giving you a compliment, don't be mean about it!" Liam hissed. But it sounds quite the opposite. Blake laugh. Then the boys start fighting, and throwing mean insults at each other.

" Now, now guys, lets go to the other exhibit. " I spoke out clapping my hands together.

" Alright." Blake agree reluctantly. He's probably to infused with this plant filled room.

-------------------------------------- to be continued -----------------------------------------------------

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