Chapter 3

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I recently made a visualization of this story for Chapters 1-3, please feel free to check it out :):

Please feel free comment, I will really appreciate if you do comment.

Bold and slanted = character's thoughts


[Name] woke up and did her usual morning routine. Then she got a call. "Ring, "Ring".

[Name] groan in annoyance. She is not a morning person. In the morning [Name] can be a little grumpy.

"What do you want." [Name] said to the unknown caller. "AH feisty in the morning, I like it." the unknown caller said smirking.

"UM MR. I don't know who you are, but I can contact the police right now and have you arrested." [Name] snapped. It's already annoying that she had to wake up so early on Saturday because of her part- time job. But it's more annoying if an anonymous person called you and clearly want to annoy you on the spot.

"Whoa calm down princess." the person on the other line replied. " I just want you to work at my company since my company clearly need someone who takes their jobs seriously. "

Sebastian 'meow' in annoyance. He's clearly annoyed that his owner is paying attention to someone else rather than him.

"May I ask who I am speaking to?" [Name] stated angrily. " Look whatever reason you called, can you save It for later? I'm kind of busy, and I am running out of free time." " I need to go to work."[Name] stated professionally.

" Okay, My name is Luke Hayward, CEO of the Hayward industry. And I am requesting that you quit your job and join our company, we clearly need someone who is professional and talented to work here." Luke stated, " I will give you one week to think about this job option." " Please choose the right option." With that Luke ended the call leaving [Name] dumb folded.

[Name] snapped out of her thoughts and realizes that she didn't feed her cat yet, and she is going to be late for her work.

"Damm you LUKE HAYWARD." I'm going to kill you for making me late. [Name] quickly open a can of food and gave it to Sebastian. Then rushed out trying to make it on time for work.

. . . . . . some time pass . . . . .

[Name] was about 2 minutes late. Clearly, the manager was unhappy. " But it is only 2 minutes late!!" [Name] trying to reason.

" In real life, you can't be late for everything." " You will face some sort of consequences later in life."

" Being on time is important to ever job." The manager lecture [Name]. As punishment [Name] has to do extra paperwork.

[Name] is in the computer/math building. AS much as [Name] enjoy the job, but sometimes they will overwork their employees. But this part time job does have a good pay. After [Name] finish her shift, she walked out of the building.

But an arm stopped her. Confused, [Name] tilt her head upward and saw someone unexpected.

There stands Luke Hayward in flesh and blood, "princess, miss me?" Luke said that while smirking.

"Oh hi Mr. Hayward." [Name] greeted politely. " You want to go to eat dinner with me?" Luke questioned.

" I'm sorry, but I am afraid I have to decline, I have a cat waiting for me in my apartment waiting to be fed." I answer his question.

" I will drive you to your apartment and you can feed your cat, then we can go to dinner?" Luke exclaimed hopefully.

" Sorry, but no." I stated sternly " I won't receive help from an upperclassmen, and I have a question for you. How did you get my phone number? I don't recall giving it to you."

" I have my ways." Luke remark.

" Sorry, but no." with that [ Name] walked away leaving a very livid Luke.

Luke's POV:

Today I was in a very good mood. I got all the information that I needed on [Name]. Looks like she earn a scholarship to Tokyo University.

That means that [Name] is a very hard working person. " Boss." Takuma announce interrupting my thoughts.

" Yes , what do you want?" I replied back. " Today the Walkers are holding a dinner party and you will need to bring a companion." Takuma answered.

" I'll be there." I answered darkly.

The Walkers and the Haywards have an long rival history. We despise each other. When I found that [Name] was working under their wing, I knew I need it to convince her to work under us. We also need people like [Name] to work under us, because we know that they are trustworthy.

After that, I made a call to [Name] giving her an option since I don't want to force her.

Then I asked her to go dinner with me, she REFUSED!! I was super livid. No one dare to refuse the Haywards! After she reject me , she walked away like nothing had happen.

Did she mention that she had to take care of a cat? That explains why I heard soft " MEOWS" in the background when I called her. But anyways I need a companion to go to the dinner party, and [Name] is the most suitable women to do the job.

The last time I had a fan girl as my companion, it was horrible. She was so rude. She didn't have proper manners.

After [Name] walked away, I quickly ran up to her and gave the most adorable eyes I could muster.

I guess she gave in because she felt pity for me. Not that I care, all I care is that I got [Name] as my companion for the night.

[Name]'s POV:

Luke quickly ran up to me and gave me the most adorable eyes. I found it too cute. Wow, that's weird especially coming from me. Then I agree to go to dinner with him.

But first thing I need to do is feed my dear cat, Sebastian. I haven't play with Sebastian for a long time because of my hectic schedule. Now I feel super guilty.

Luke drove me home, I open the door and Sebastian came running to me. I embrace him. He was too cute for his own good.

I quickly went to get food for Sebastian. When I went to the living room, Luke and Sebastian were having a staring contest for some reason (more like a glaring contest). When Sebastian smell food, his eyes were shinning bright and he jumped at me and start eating. I found that super cute.

" Can, we go now?" Luke said impatiently. " Okay." I replied back to him.

After we got out of my apartment, Luke took me to one of the designer boutiques. In my opinion those female workers were super mean.

But I got a icy blue dress, because Luke wants my dress to "match" his eyes. After that we went to the party. When we got out of his car, there were cameras and reporters everywhere. Luke never told me it was a big even dinner party. Curse him for misleading me!

Now I know the night is going to be a disaster.

---------------------------------------------------- to be continued --------------------------------------------------

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