Chapter 19

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I recently made a visualization of this story for Chapters 16-21 please feel free to check it out :):

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" What are you assuming?!" [Name] yelled at Brianna.

" Exactly what I had said." Brianna replied with a sassy tone.

" Enough!" " Brianna are you even here?!" Luke said agitated.

" I came here to see you Luky! But I got mad when I see this weird girl flirting with you!" Brianna screeched. Both duo winced at the screeching noise. It was a super horrible sound.

Then Luke whispered some foreign language that [Name] could not  understand. Soon different lights starts to flash and poof Luke's parents were in front of them.

" Luke why did you summon us here?!" His father Shuu asked angrily.

" Father, mother Please! I BEG OF YOU! I don't want to be with Brianna!" Luke stated.

" She may seem nice at first but she is a totally bitch later on."

" LUKE!" His mother Sharon screamed out, " Language!!"

" Sorry mother but it is the truth." Luke replied calmly to his mother. At this moment he didn't care at all, he didn't want to marry a stuck-up self centered bitch. Her personality sucks, did she even learn manners?

" Son, I had taught you better, Never accuse something that you can't prove." Shuu said calmly.

" Yes father, but I can prove this one!" Luke said. Then he told his men and brought a tape. The tape replays all the bad stuff that Brianna did and said either to [Name] or someone or something.

Both Sharon and Shuu was flabbergasted. They never thought the sweet and innocent Brianna have such a foul mouth. Both mother and father was speechless. They really have nothing to say.

Meanwhile Brianna was fidgeting, she was super scared  of the outcome. If they disapprove of her, her parents will be very disappointed of her.

" I am disappointed in you Brianna, I thought you were better than this!" Shuu started. " Yeah, we trusted you but you broke our trust and the engagement would be canceled." Sharon finishes.

'Nooo ! This can't be happening!' Brianna thought to herself. Then all of the sudden black  air was around Brianna. She was turning into something.

------------------------------------------- to be continued ---------------------------------

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