Emma strikes back

Start from the beginning

"What do you remember of fourth year?" I asked.

"My first kiss" Ginny blushed slightly.

"Harry was yours and you were his" I pointed out.

"I was his?" Ginny asked surprised,"I thought Cho was his" Ginny said sadly.

"We'll you were his.. Cho and him weren't exactly a couple" I admitted to Ginny who looked at me with wide eyes. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that" I said. I was.

"Look Ginny my point for my visit is that your upcoming is this Saturday, your finale month.. I know you love Harry and he loves you but if you two keep going its a repeat of Harry's fourth year... You off with boys and him alone" shit.

Ginny looked at me. "What are you talking about with me off with "boys" and Harry alone?" Ginny asked with her arms fold. I gulped, I wasn't suppose to let that out. Harry's going to kill me. "Remember that day, Harry visited you and you were in the garden.. " I started to say.

"Yeah but I'm always in the garden, be a bit more specific on where and when" I gave her a glare and she smiled.

"Okay the day Jake asked you out" I said. Ginny's face turned sour. 

"Oh that day... What about it?" Ginny asked as she put her book into her bag. "I-" I was about to say Harry was gonna ask you out but had been interrupted by Ginny's phone. She gave me a small smile.

"Sorry one second" and I could see the Caller ID. Jake.

"Hey" she answered cheerfully.

Ginny's POV

"Hey" I answered cheerfully.

"Hey Ginny could we meet up?" Jake asked.

"Sure? Now?" I asked unsure. I eyed my surroundings and forgot that Hermione was behind me. I smiled gently at her and she raised her eye brows at me.

"Yeah please" he said and with that he bid me goodbye then I hung up. "Who was that?" Hermione asked. "E-r someone" I said while grabbing my bag.

"I have to go... Tell me later?" I asked and the bushy head eyed me. "Stop giving me that look."  Hermione was right I love Harry. I always had. I started this deal and didn't think I could fall for him even more. He was my first kiss, my first crush.. My first time... But sadly wasn't my first boyfriend.

Hermione just nodded and waved me off, but before I turned to go I saw a wave of disappointment flash her eyes. She turned and walked quickly away from me. I sighed before making my way toward the diner.

Arriving at a diner where Jake wanted to meet up just outside the mall.  I saw Jake sitting down at the corner table he motioned me over and I walked over.

"Hey" I said cooly and sat down.

"Hey" he smiled his charming smile. But sadly it wasn't Harry's. I had heard off of Janet that Ryan and Harry were out on duty training some more.  Pely came over , she works here now as she applied just the other day. She gave me a look and I knew she wanted to know why I wasn't with Harry.  "Hey Ginny and you are?" Pely asked. "Jake" he smiled. Pely smiled nevertheless and whispered in my ear, "talking later" I nodded and turned my attention back to Jake. "What can I get you two?" Pely asked. Picking up the menu I just really wanted coffee.

"Coffee please" I said and Jake nodded towards Pely. Pely left and I spoke, "do you remember the day you asked me out?" I was curious.

Jake nodded "how could I forget? " he spoke again, "I had gotten a black eye for that break up" Jake laughed. "What do you mean a black eye?" I asked. If it was one of my brothers I'll show them a black eye.

"Yeah... Look I was the idiot to you I deserved it. Harry has some punch might I add" Jake looked over my shoulder and around.

Harry hit him? What why?

"What Harry hit you?" I asked puzzled. "Yeah he had pinned me up and made damn sure I wasn't with someone. He threatened me and then gave me a black eye because I so called deserved it, which I did" I looked at Jake with a puzzled look all over my face.

"He didn't tell you?" Jake asked sounding a bit surprised. "I thought it was my brothers or at least one of them. I'm sorry I didn't see if you were okay.. But you did hurt me" I said slightly.  Awkward...

When we finally broke up half of my heart was relieved if I was honest.

"I know I'm sorry" he put his hand on mine. It didn't feel like Harry's did. I should be looking over at Harry not Jake. It kind of made sense in a way, Harry kept saying not to go. He'd miss me. He always wanted to cuddle and make me laugh. What I don't understand is why the boys? Was he jealous? Could he have been doing that to other guys? Like Dean? Blake? It explains his protectiveness.

"Look I must go, I'll see you later" Jake said and left. Pely came over and I explained everything to her. I needed to talk to someone. When I let it all out I felt a bit better. Pely understood my confusion. She rang all the girls and I told them.

Janet was just a bit upset, along with all of them. Hermione said nothing throughout the whole talk. Which I was grateful. She pretended to be surprised and I gave her a small smile. Emilie was acting all quiet and Nina hadn't spoken a word. When they did they surprised me.

"We kind of guessed" Eva said. I asked them how, and they just said what Hermione said. Clues. And what not.

Fuck was I that blind?


"Oi Weasley watch your back" I swung around and saw Emma smirking. I gave her a glare and went back to the game. It was Saturday and I was told Harry had a trip so I agreed to play the match. I could not stand being alone. Janet flew up beside me and roared, "shut it Cooper" and gave me a wink. I saw Jake sitting beside Andi in the stands and I smiled. They'd be a cute couple.

"EMILIE JOHNSON HAS THE QUFFLE IN HER POSITION" my eyes watched in awe as my best friend threw a very powerful throw. It went threw the hop. You could probably hear the roars from Hogwarts. I flinched a bit but still cheered for my best friend.

Over the next twenty minutes I shot in three goals, but as I went for the fourth one I felt light headed. Emma was gripping my hand pushing me off. If I was going down this little plastic was coming with me. The broom was coming under me. My eyes shut close and I reached blindly for something or anything. I was screaming my lungs started to hurt. I was falling at massive speed with Emma beside me. The earths gravity pulling me in. We were closing near to the ground I could sense it. I opened my eyes and looked to see Emma glaring at me with high hatred. "Bitch" and with that she took her wand out of her pocket. Using a spell I never heard of and disappeared. Well shit...

I heard screams and people panicking.

The moment my back hit the ground the pain came gushing in. My eyes were closed and the darkness over came me....


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