Chapter 20

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I kick another pebble off the pavement in frustration. What the hell did I do!

"Are you... okay?" Chloe cautiously asks. I catch her staring at me, her brows furrowed tightly together, out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm fine," I reply, a little more forcefully than I meant to, making Chloe wince. I immediately feel a pinch of guilt.

"I mean, I'm just confused about what I should do. I feel like I totally screwed everything up."

Chloe casually wraps her arm around my shoulders, leaning closer to me. "You did the right thing, Maddie. You couldn't have kept you're feelings secret forever."

"If only I didn't have these horrible feelings," I sigh, resting my head on Chloe's shoulder. Why did we have to have the ability to feel? Wouldn't life be way easier if we just did everything based o logic and without emotion?

"Well, the thing about feelings is that you don't choose them, they choose you. You can't possibly control what you feel," Chloe states matter-of-factly.

"But did you see his face? It had 'what the f?' written all over it! I'm so embarrassed!" I exclaim, kicking yet another pebble. She didn't see his face, she wouldn't know.

"Come on, he so totally likes you! I mean, he obviously trusts you since he told you his story and brought you to his house, which is one of the basic requirements for relationships." Chloe argues.

"But you know his-" I began. However, something in the dark alley catches my eye, cutting me off.

I'd seen a rough silhouette of a small crowd seemingly attacking something. That wasn't exactly a common sight here in our town. It was one of the safest towns in Pittsburgh, and backstreet fights were not a common sight.

"Chlo, don't you think that seems sorta weird?" I mumbled to Chloe quiet.

"Yeah, and that's exactly why I think we should just hurry along," Chloe replies nervously, tugging my hand.

"No, I think we should check it out. What if it's a person they're attacking? Whoever it is might need some help. Come on, let's go closer," I persist.

"Er... I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, we're too busy to deal with stuff like this, right?" Chloe argues with a shaky laugh. I pretend I don't hear her and lightly jog over to the alley. I crouch down behind a bin just a few meters away from the gang where I have a clear view of the scene playing out. A moment later, I hear the soft scuffling of feet followed by a presence beside me. I knew she'd follow.

"So what's the plan?" Chloe whispers.

"Oh hello! I thought you were against sneaking around?" I greet sarcastically.

"I am, but there was no way I'd leave you alone."

"Aww how sweet!"

"But seriously, what's the plan?" Chloe repeats urgently.

"The plan is, there is no plan," I answer calmly. I mean, how was I even supposed to come up with a plan in a few short minutes?

"Wait, what?" Chloe exclaims, gaping at me in shock. I quickly shush her, not wanting to be noticed, and return my attention to the silhouette, which I could now identify as a bunch of boys. They seemed to be kicking something, which I could barely see. I crane my neck, desperate for a glimpse of the victim, and finally, a gap appears.

The gap was quickly covered as the boys squeeze in closer to try and get their chance of abusing the victim, but I'd had enough time to get a sight of the victim, and the discovery horrified me. It was someone I'd never want to see getting hurt and I'd do anything, even giving my life, to protect them.

I guess that is why my instinct was to dash over. I push my way through the attackers and quickly throw my body over the victim. Almost instantly, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my head and I squeeze my eyes shut automatically.

Suddenly, my legs lose their strength and I'm falling, falling, falling until strong arms catch me.

"Maddie!" a familiar voice calls out. The panic is evident in his voice and I want nothing more than to assure him that I'm fine.

It takes every last bit of energy left in me to pry open my heavy eyelids just slightly and move my lips to form his name.

"Corey," I barely whisper, and his name lingers on my lips even as my eyelids get too heavy and my eyes seal shut, forcing me into the darkness.

"No, Maddie!"

- - -


It's still the same old reason: I've been busy with school. But if it makes you feel any better, it's not just Wattpad I'm logging onto less. I've just been less active on social media in general lately coz I feel that I really need to focus on my studies. Of course, I still have this need to write, but every time I set my mind to do it, either something else comes up, or I have so much homework that by the time I sit down in front of my computer, ready to continue writing, it's already too late at night and I have to go get my beauty sleep.

I really, deeply apologize, but there's nothing much that I can do about this, so please bear with me. I'm sorry :((

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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