Chapter 16

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I tap the back of my cellphone impatiently as I wait for my call to be picked up. What's taking her so long?

"Maddie! What's up?" Kendall cheery voice finally greets. I cannot help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

"Sounds like everything's going good over at your side," Kendall comments. I frown. No way was it going good.

"Actually, not really. That's why I called you. There's been so much going on lately it's crazy!" I inform her. Kendall pauses for a moment, like she usually does when she's thinking.

"Okay, tell me about it. And don't leave out any details!" she then orders.

I tell Kendall everything, from what happened with Corey and Phillip to how I felt as if Chloe was hiding something from me. Kendall gasps occasionally on the other end in her over-dramatic way, which lightens the mood a little. When I've finally poured out all my troubles, Kendall pauses again before speaking.

"That's quite a lot of drama you got there. I don't even encounter something like that on set. Anyways, I think you should just concentrate on your dancing instead of on your boys."

"I'm trying! I'm trying so hard, but it's not working!" I admit, running my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Listen Maddie, remember what you told me a while back when we talked about Phil? You said, and I quote 'No Kendall! I don't have time for boys, I've got to focus on dance!' So just focus on dancing and put your boy troubles aside."

"Yeah, you're right Kendall. Thanks bro."

- - -

After the call with Kendall, I pledge that I'm not going to let these boy troubles hold me down anymore. Thus, in a bid to occupy my mind with less depressing thoughts, I decide to carry out one of my favorite stress-relieving activities, baking. I go through my list of bookmarked recipes on my laptop and pick one that seems slightly simpler. Then, I check if Chloe has the ingredients I need, which she does so I don't need to make an extra trip to the store. I gather the Tupperwares of flour and sugar and all that onto the kitchen island before measuring the amount of each I need carefully. Since I'm the only one home at the moment, I freely hum a tune, not worried about someone catching me.

My plan works. In no time at all, I forget all about the boys, my only focus being this cake I am making. I whirl around the kitchen as I whisk two eggs in a bowl, now full-out singing A Whole New World from the movie Aladdin. My volume increases even further when I reach the chorus and I make exaggerated motions with my arms.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings.

I abruptly stop singing, heat rising up my cheeks. I'm pretty sure I was loud enough for whoever who's standing on the other side of the door to hear my horrible voice. How embarrassing. Sighing, I put down my bowl and head to the door, praying that the visitor wouldn't make fun of me.

I throw open the door to reveal Phil, who was idly kicking the stones under his feet. I furrow my brows in confusion. What is he doing here? I'm sure whatever it is isn't good though, judging from the way he has a slight frown on his face.

"Hey Phil, what're you doing here?" I ask, grabbing his attention. Phil shifts uncomfortably. Okay, this definitely isn't good at all.

"I have something I need to tell you. I confession, in fact," Phil informs me.

"Uh, would you like to come in first?" I offer out of politeness, not that I actually hoped he'd accept. I just had this horrible feeling that I wasn't going to like what was coming, and I want it to be over fast.

Luckily, Phil turns down my offer.

"I'll just make it fast. I don't actually love you, Maddie. I used you to make my ex jealous," he tells me quietly, not meeting my eyes. His words should upset me, or make me angry, but all I feel is confusion. I tilt my head, signalling for him to go on with his explanation, and he does.

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