"Take my phone. My pocket. Call... Dean." He nods and searches for your phone. And then again, you pass out.

When you wake up again, you're at the hospital. Dean is sitting right next to you asleep. You start moving your hands and arms and he wakes up.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asks sweetly, his thumb caressing your forehead softly, not touching the bandages you had there.

"Hi... like a truck just hit me... literally. Everything hurts." You chuckle between the shots of pain in your ribs.

"You should take some rest, I'll be here." He smiles.

"Ok. But Dean..." He nods. "Do you know who the person who hit me was? They left a note near me... I couldn't see who they were, I remember what it said and..."

"I know about the note, the police knows too, don't worry. You're safe." He smiles and then leans in, kissing your forehead.

And then you fall asleep holding Dean's hand.

A few hours later, you wake up again. Dean still next to you, so you two start talking and with just one sentence he manages to make you smile. After a while, you notice someone at the door of your room. It's Seth.

"What is he doing here, Dean?" You ask, not even needing to mention who you were talking about.

"I called him." You frown at his answer. "He needed to know. You left after an argument and then the note and-"

"You told him about the note?"

"No, but I plan to. It's only fair."

You know he's right so you don't argue with him. Dean signals for Seth to come in.

He comes in, but you don't even bother to look at him in the eye.

"Hey..." He says but only Dean replies, leaving him looking like a lost puppy.

"Seth, you need to know something." Dean says, leaving Seth looking between you two confused. "Someone ran into her car on purpose... then walked to her car laughing and left a note..."

"What did the note say?" Seth asks, balling his fists.

"Here." Dean shows Seth his phone, the police sent him a picture of the note.

"Oh my god, bab- (Y/N). I'm so sorry. How could someone do this to you? You could have been killed. This is all my fault. Why do I always fuck up everything?" He says, his hands running his hair.

"Dude, this is not your fault. Someone crazy did this. Don't blame yourself for something you can't control. Also, they already arrested the person. (Y/N) is safe now." Dean says, patting Seth's back. You can't say anything, you're too sore, too tired, too hurt to say anything.

"I wasn't only referring to the note... I... I want to apologize to both of you for my earlier behavior... I was jealous of the relationship you both have... I've noticed your complicity, how he makes you smile... and I'm afraid I can't make you happy or smile like that... then I saw you two together and I wasn't expecting it so I just snapped... I know it's no excuse, but it was just my shield acting up. I'm so afraid of losing you. You're the best thing that happened to me and I'll never forgive myself if I screw this all up, which I probably already did." He sighs and looks at ground. "I just wanted to apologize and to make sure you're okay. I hope you both can forgive me. I love you." And with this he starts walking to the door, his hands flying to his face so you know he's crying.

Dean touches your arm and signals you to don't let him leave.

"I love you too." You whisper, but he doesn't listen. "I love you too!" You shout this time. He stops walking, Dean meets him and says:

"I forgive you, bro. Go get your girl, keep her safe." Seth nods and gives Dean a hug. Then he turns to you, his brown puppy eyes filled with tears staring at you as you open your arms as wide as you could to make him come to you. He walks towards you, a small smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I love you so much. I almost lost you twice today..." He whispers to your hair, your head resting on his chest, while he sat on the bed hugging you tight but softly so he won't hurt you.

"But you didn't, I'm here and I ain't leaving." You smile at him, looking right at his eyes, and he leans in, pecking your lips. "Just don't repeat a scene like that... If you ever have anything bothering you, come to me and talk to me, okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry. I just..."

"That's okay. Let's not talk about it anymore. Just promise you won't ever do anything like that again and that you'll talk to me when you have a problem of any kind. Promise?"

"Promise." He says smiling and you smile back. "Marry me." He says, his stare not leaving yours.


"I said marry me."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, marry me." He looks dead serious.

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." You smile.

"I'll make you the happiest woman on earth, Mrs. Rollins." He smiles widely, kissing you.

Sometimes people need an eye-opener and he got his. He almost lost you and it broke him. And so did you, you almost lost him and your life. Now, you just want to live and enjoy your life. Happy. With him.

"I already am." You smile.

He only manages to stare at you smiling, but his eyes tell you everything you need to know: he loves you and he's not going anywhere.

Seth Rollins  - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now