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I am grateful 

like the tree that sinks its roots

deep into the soil, drawing 

its nutrients and water

for survival. The earth gives 

so much and takes 

so little. But I know 

I am grateful,

for growth, love

and roots. 


A/N: I wrote this thinking about how it was like at my temporary job. Most of the time, I speak and write English so my mother tongue (Chinese) has been left in the cold since...well, since forever. But ever since I started work, I realized that Chinese was the language that I needed to use more often when I was servicing the elderly. That actually put me in a more reflective mode and caused me to think about how much I take education, family/loved ones, core values and the things that happen to us for granted. We gain so much so frequently but we never really stop to appreciate all of it. So I hope this reminds us to be thankful for even the littlest things. :) 

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