who do you want to be

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Questions like this
Often cause me to reel
Not because I do not know
But because there are far
Too many possibilities
Too many answers that I could
Give. I simply cannot betray one
To parade another.
But if I must, there is one answer (with multiple parts;
You always said that humans were complicated creatures)
That tops all other.
Even if it's just by a bit.

I've always wanted
That quiet beauty, the kind that
Draws you in subtly,
Like the gravitational pull of one
Giant planet on another.
Then you wouldn't realise
How close I have gotten
And you wouldn't have enough
Time to run away, because I have Already planted my roots
In your soil,
Gripping tightly into your earth,
Growing on you.

I've always wanted
To possess the addictive charisma
That has such a powerful hold
On you, like the one an electromagnet has
On a tiny iron nail.
Maybe then you wouldn't be strong enough
To pull me off you.
You were always fascinated by magnetic attraction, anyway.

But most of all,
I've always wanted
To be yours, and yours alone
And vice versa, of course.
Then maybe you will never
Be taken away from me
By operating rooms and sterile equipment.
You will never be pulled from me
By time and grey hair.
You would never be snatched away from me
By prettier eyes, hands and teeth.
But we can't all have what we want,
Isn't it?
Especially when you were never mine to begin with.

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