closer but further

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We sit next to each other,
Shoulders touching
Arms brushing
Minds supposedly in sync.
But we couldn't be further away
Oceans, skies and space couldn't do a better job of separating
They said it would help us connect,
They said it would defeat distance.
They were right.
We did connect, albeit only online.
We did overcome distance, but that's just it, physical distance.
What happened to the good
Old handwritten letters
Written from the deepest depths
of the soul?
Ink smudges from writing too hard
Tear stains from pouring the contents of our hearts out
What happened to the conversations between them?
Gone gone gone
Leaving residues of our insincere
Hearted typed out conversations
Deleted with a flick of a button.

From the bottom of my heartWhere stories live. Discover now