A Cluster of Drunk

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She hadn't realized her mistake until it was too late. She couldn't really break the news to Dirk quite yet. Well.... She could... She just chooses not to. Damn it, admin! You're fucking up your life you filthy sin.

She parked her car at the best angle she could find. Up front parking in bars is sketchy.

"Oh! I've heard of this place. This is the bar with the least amount of fighting and drug passing!" Lexi excitedly exclaimed, as she got out of the car. Lindsay nodded, locking the doors to her car and slipping the keys in her pocket.

"Yeah, it's not so bad. They have really nice whiskey options."
"Doesn't every bar?"
Lindsay shook her head. "Honestly? No, most bars scare me with the risky drinking options..."

Lexi chuckled. "Oh, I see. I haven't been to many bars.." She said, as Lindsay opened the door for her and let her go in first. She followed behind Lexi.

"So where is this mysterious fellow?"
Lexi said that with as much confidence as she could muster, but honestly, she was a bit afraid to meet another new person in a mere hour.

"Hm..." She looked around. "I'm not sure, but I'm sure he isn't far." She looked around.
"Is that him...?" Lexi asked, pointing to a man with a black shirt, sitting with his arm around some hooker.
"I said my friend was tall, not a pimp." Lindsay laughed.
Lexi frowned but eventually brought herself to laugh as well. "I don't know why I could have thought that was him."

She finally noticed him, sitting in the corner of a bar. "That's him." She began his way.

"Woah.. Is he wearing anime shades? Does he do that on a normal basis?"

Lindsay answered her question with a friendly nod. "Yeah, it's his thing. "

"Woah he's so cool."

Lindsay laughed, and then sat down next to him.
Lindsay decided to show off to Lexi how cool she could be around the cool kid.
"Hey watch this." She mumbled to Lexi.
She slid into a seat next to Dirk. "Sup sexy- fuCK." She slid out of her chair. Both Dirk and Lexi bursted into fits of laughter.

Lindsay, you're forgetting you can't be smooth.

Dirk helped her up, but he and Lexi were still having a fucking ball. "Never mind I quit.." Lindsay said for the additional laughter.

"Let's change topics from my fuck up. Dirk! This is Lexi." The Administrating fuck up lifted her arms to point to Lexi. "Lexi," she said, turning to her. "This is my friend, Dirk."

Dirk held out his hand and had an actual friendly smile. He was different around Lindsay let's remember. He didn't have to worry about keeping stoic looks around her and acting so aloof. So when he did meet new people, he liked keeping blank to not set off the wrong impression. He usually came off as scary. Though this time he was offering up a kind smile.
Lexi was hesitant, but lifted her hand to shake his, with her own kind smile.
"It's nice to meet you!"

Friendships grow quick in bars.

It was maybe an hour and a half later.

"LiSTeN LiNda." Lexi slammed her Drunken Fist down on the bar.

"I. I enjoy me a gOOD sin!" Her words slurred hardcore as they slid from her mouth.
Lindsay was the furthest from drunk. She hadn't dared to touch anything all night.

"You know, now that I think about it.." Dirk only slightly slurred his words. Lindsay had lowkey forced him to take shots and distract him.
"You haven't really drank anything all night. Are you okay?"
She slid a shot near him.
"Dude, drink it."
Dirk, at this point, hadn't questioned it. This was his maybe tenth shot.
"Wait, do it again." She chuckled and gave him another shot glass, full of some type of whiskey they asked for awhile ago.
"Oh my god you magical princess, where are you getting these from?" He laughed and downed the shot.
"I'm proud, that only took you three seconds." She laughed.

Dave Strider X Reader (A Game of Pretend)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin