Life Happens?

801 34 59

Guys this story is so long.

90??? Part 90 is this???

Guys am I supposed to end this soon? Is there a limit to how many chapters this can have?

I don't want to make a squeal and then worry about people reading it and so on.


Anyways, I hope the story is okay lately. I've been dealing with stress and I've been sort of down lately and I want my writing to be good :/

Also sorry I keep updating so quickly.

I hope all of you guys had a rad Christmas! I got a new ukulele. Ah yes.

Random funny story, I told my mom
I wanted Dirk Strider for Christmas, when she asked and she actually looked all around and could find no such thing. I died.

But then what if my mom brought home a man who was Dirk.

I would cry.

I'm a sad human being.


slightly slight suicidal themes in here. Careful please. Nothing horrendous or anything, don't worry.
Dave was already gone. He left about an hour ago, around 8. He felt a little better after you forced him to consume water, and let him rest. Though he was still rather drained, so Dirk had to come and actually get him from the apartment. It was rather funny. Also nice seeing Dirk again in person. You actually had the opportunity to talk to him for a moment. He looked tired with his life. Much like your sister. Except you didn't know why he was tired. Maybe he was like your sister and worked a lot? Who knows.

It was funny when Dirk had to physically lift Dave. That boy is lazy.

The door opened, and then shut.

You perked your head up from your blanket.
You got up and poked your head out of the hallway to see your sister standing in the living room, looking down at her computer, with a horrified stare.

She held her laptop close to her chest, pushed against the wall, and slid down. She looked that of someone who had just found out someone died. She slid her hands in her hair, and held on to it, staring at the ground, and at nothing at the same time.

You blinked. Should you interfere? Where could she have been all day if not at work?

You where planning to leave her to her macabre thoughts, until your feet moved forward. Legs, stop it.

Too late you're already moving forward. You walked in front of her and sat down. She didn't seem to notice you.

"Lindsay..?" You said softly, hoping to not startle the wild animal.

You gently waved a hand in front of her. She didn't look up. You poked her leg.

"Lindsay you're scaring me, what's wrong."

She sat there for a moment and then looked up at you.

"Where were you?"

She blinked. "I.. I was.. I went to the doctor. I was there for at least 2 hours.. I left at about 3..."

"The doctor? Why the doctor?... And why did it take you so long to get home?"

"I wasn't sure why I ended up so completely wasted. I hadn't consumed that much last night. Not knowing I had to go to work the next day. So I went to the doctor to figure out if I was just alcohol-intolerant of if I was sick or I made myself sick.. Or something.."

She moved her hands and set the laptop down beside her. "I.. I found out it wasn't that at all.. I .. I didn't consume a lot. How I ended up so badly drunk.. He said it was a side effect. Being so vulnerable to alcohol."

Her voice sounded rather shaky.
"A... A side effect of what...?"

"(Name), he..." She hesitated.

"He told me I am pregnant."

Your expression changed from worry to 'dafuq?'

"You.. Like.. You're not kidding?"

She shook her head.
You smiled. To yourself. She seemed utterly terrified of this news. This has been secretly what you wanted. But damn it Dirk and her aren't together.. Wait ..

"Is.. I..

Whose is it?"

"Who else could it be? I don't sleep around, (Name), I'm not a whore."

She ran a hand through her hair again and looked down.

She looked like she wanted to cry. "I mean.. Have you told him...?"
She shook her head. "Hell no I'm not going to tell him! I break up with him and then tell him I am baring his child? I'm very sure he has moved on." She said in one breath.

You blinked. "So.. Why where you home so late? Where did the other hours go?"

"I drove to the bridge in the forest. I looked at it for awhile and figured this would end if I jumped. I thought that for a few seconds and finally decided that was an awful idea and I couldn't do that. To you at least." She sighed. "I stayed there for awhile and just kinda thought, still terribly horrified by this.."

You blinked.

"Lindsay that's not-"

"I know, I know. Don't worry, I was just going through all of my options."

"That's not an option!"

"I know, I know." She spoke up. "I'm not doing to do anything rash. I wasn't really thinking clearly... I."

She stopped.

"I don't know what to do." She sighed.

You smiled again. Even if she did see.

"I have been waiting for this..." You mumbled. She looked up. "I have been waiting since twelve, I want a little niece and slash or nephew." You perked up your smile. "P-please don't tell anyone..." She said through tears in her eyes. You frowned. "Don't be sad! Children are eh, but this is YOUR child! It will end up adorable and hella smart. You're bringing another life into the world! Ahah isn't that fun?"

Damn, where was all this optimism yesterday?

She shook her head. You moved forward and wrapped your arms around her neck. "Don't cry, sister, I'll help you."

"I can hardly raise you.. How do I add an infant into this??"

You let go and looked at her. "I don't know.. We've always figured out a way before. We figure out a way now!" You smiled brightly.

Damn. Where. Was. All. This. Optimism. Yesterday.

That was by far the weirdest chapter I have ever- *looks at SW X reader chapter*


Anyways sorry this was rather weird! I just had to get it out of the way forrrrr

*throws up sparkles and whispers*
~~future plots~~


Weird ending to this...

Weird chapter.

Anywhore, love you guys!


Dave Strider X Reader (A Game of Pretend)Where stories live. Discover now