Bish I am gUD

723 20 35

Lmao I was tagged again.

Gdi I'm so tired.
My head is in pain.
I need sleep but sleep doesn't want me
Lmao that's every interest I have

"I like that boy over there. But he don't like me."
This is 100% why I get romantically attached to fictional characters. They're all nicer.

Except for you, Near. You're just a sassy little boy. But I still love u

Pffft you know that moment when you like.
Idk your mom finds out who you're interested in and she's like; "you can do better."

It's like mom my standards need to be low. I can do better. But better is not going to do me.

Sorry XD


Who was the first youtuber you watched?
I would say either CaptianSparklez or Tobuscus. I think Tobuscus.. But CaptianSparklez is right there too.

Favorite color?
Aside from black? Lmao,
Probably Orange or Maroon.

What makes you happy?
Pfft. Not a lot of things make me happy. I'm a bitter teen.
1.When you guys comment and such on here with nice things uwu or you guys post on my message board that's actually so cool. I mean I'm. Not that cool but you guys flip shit when you talk to me.
2 My two good internet-pals. (Whispers they names is Kendall and Lexi)
3. TwEnTY ONE PilOTS |-/

How did you find wattpad?
Uh. I believe in the 8th grade, a girl had this book "The Fault In Our Stars." And she told me about it and said I should read it. I told her I didn't have money to buy the book. She said she already loaned hers out, but on wattpad it was there.

So I looked up Wattpad and bam.

Who inspires you?
Lmao Dirk Strider and his ability to be so damn terrific.

Actually jk

It's Tyler Joseph (the lead singer of twenty one pilots)

Main goal for this year?
Maybe draw better? Because I'm 100% awful

Whose your favorite group of youtubers?
For sure either ColabHQ, because they introduced me to Homestuck, or Fueled By Ramen, because they put out Twenty One Pilots thins.

Zodiac sign?
Virgo :3 *highfives Kanaya*

Favorite season?
Winter :DDDD

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
The chicken :D

Lucky number?
9! I was born 9/9/99 I weighed 9 pounds, I was born at exactly 9 o'clock, I was born on floor 9, in room 909.

Quote that you live by?
                            "Don't give up
         Push through the inevitable droughts
   Channel the inevitable disappointment into        
                              your craft
                         Break molds.
                           Think. Create.
                   And most importantly
                         Stay alive.
    And in the meantime, make it about others
                That always seems to work.
                         Stay strong

                           Live on

          Power to the Local Dreamer

                                                    -Tyler Joseph
"Power to the local dreamer"
Lyrical genius, them Twenty One Pilots is.

Actually it's not a song but I would learn it on ukulele if it was.

Advice for others?
Be creative.
It doesn't matter if you're not artistic, or you're not musical and so on. What matters is that you created something. Not the people around you, but you. And you can decide who knows the meaning of what you created.

So if you're sitting in your room one night, contemplating suicide, you can say "I shouldn't kill myself because only I know what the meaning to this thing is."

Man I bet I sound dumb as hell.

Anyways thanks for the tags my nice readers!
I would tag others but I


She actually has started a Dave Strider reader insert and so far I like it :D she has a really cool plot line planned and I think you guys should check it out. 
So go on

Check it out.

Also yeah I tag her

Do it

I'm so awkward at this


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