2. "Not your type huh?"

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"Asalam alaikum Ma," I greeted my mom as I walked into my house.
" Walikum Salam Sweety, how was school," she responded.
Then I hurried upstairs to pray Salatul Duhur.
"Woah, slow down Karim,"my big sister Kawatar said.
"Whats the rush," she added.
"Ah, just trying to pray Duhur on time , I responded.
"Come down for Lunch afterwards, I made your favorite"
"I wouldnt miss it," I replied.
My parents me and kawatar gathered at the lunch table.
"Karim, your aunt from Morroco called when you were at school and wanted talk to you," my mom said
"You should call her back, its been a while since you sent salams to her," mom added.
"Ok Ma I will do that after lunch insh'Allah," I replied
The house got real quite then dad phone ringed.
"Who could it be at this time," he said.
Everyone giggled.
"Hello," dad answered.
"I will be there tomorrow Inshallah, he added.
Lunch was over and everyone went back to their business.
I'm going to soccer practice Salam alikum, I said to everyone.
"Be safe out there Karim, mom replied.

I go out to soccer practice every two days of the week. I drove to pick up Drake and Umar.
Salam man, how is it going, umar said as he came into the car.
"Going good, going good ," I responded.
"Ready for practice?" Drake asked.
When we arrived to the field, Mrs Ibrahim and some of our team players already started practising.
We had 4 mins till the actual practice.
"Are you all ready everyone?" Mrs Ibrahim asked.
"We are wating just one person, Tariq" he addes.
We have soccer game soon and we want to defeat the other teams.
The game started and somehow something was bothering me. Something was on mind that wouldnt let me focus on playing. I kicked the ball and almost hit Mrs Ibrahim.
"Im sorry coach," I apologized.
"Karim, wake up, " he said.
The words "Im samra" kept repeating onto my head. Why Im thinking too much about Samra? I asked myseld. I Dont even know where shes from and anything about her. Maybe I like her name. I was lost in thought. The soccer practice ended.
"Good job man", I said to Drake.
"We will win because we have great player like you, "I added.
"What was wrong with you," Umar asked.
"You seemed to be focusing on something else" he added.
Yeah man, im just nervous to play infront huge tbe crowds, I responded. When really I had Samras name on my mind.
"Dont worry, Inshallah we will make it," he said.

After the practice was over I dropped Umar and drake home and went to the park near my home to call my aunt.
I opened up my whatsapp and called.
"BISMILLAH," I said.
"Hello, Salam Alikium," someone answered.
"Walikum Salam aunt Aisha," I replied.
"Aunt Aisha..?"The person replied.
"Why does everyone think I sound like my mom, the person asked.
"Its me Deenah, my mom is praying Isha" Deenah said.
"Oh sorry Deenah, its me Karim"
"Tell Aunt Aisha I called and send me salams to her inshallah" I said ending the call.
I forgot all about Deenah. Last time I have seen her was back in Morroco. I drove home then my aunt called me back. I was a street away from home so I waited and called back when I got home.
"Asalam Alikum Karim, how are you doing honey" she said in excitement.
"You have finally called me, I was wating for your call."
"Yeah , mom told me about it"
"How is the family, how is the condition of America"
"Alhamdulillah all well , all well and America is fine Alhamdulillah," I replied.
"How is everyone on that side of family?"
"We are doing just fine, Alhamdulillah" she answered.

"How are the girls in America ", she asked?

I was quite for few secounds and ignored the question
Samra came into my mind,".

"Not your type huh? she asked"
"No aunt Aisha",I replied.
"Good, Good she said"
Aslam alikum Karim, we will talk another time.
I thought to myself, why is she asking me all those questions."

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